So the residence is right out of the city's 'sphere of influence' or whatever. But the area depot is linked. I see no "cargo" space or anything in the resdience to show my weapons.

Up in top left corner I see the weapon icon and it says 3,575 dollars which I'm assuming has to be how much I've spent on guns or somethiing but I still just can't see them anywhere to deliver them to war

How to buy/increase weapons count

Finished tutorial but still in that area to practice. Trying to "deliver weapons" to the airfield to take over but it only lets me deliver money. I built the area depot and bought weapons, but don't see them in the cargo anywhere.

Do they automatically transport to residences? Do they come in via illegal smuggling? I'm just trying to find out where all my weapons are going so that I can conquer an area by bringing in extra weapons. I just don't understand the weapons system or where they go once I purchased them.

I'm not making an excuse for our poverty, I'm just saying that even our poverty isn't as impoverished outside of America. Idk what your issue with that statement is. The poverty standard by the government is what sets the range, yes.

But you can't ignore the fact that even with our highest poverty rate, many of those who fall under it, are still in better situations than poverty levels, and even some standard levels of living outside of the US.

I'm by no means trying to defend the US's poverty/rich/lobbying/etc. I'm literally just throwing out the information that even though our "richest country in world with highest poverty rate" is still impressive living quality for a good portion of the world.

Not even getting into the argument that the richer a country is (and more populated), the higher their standards of living would be so the poverty rate would be impacted by that.

Yeah but even our poverty is higher quality than some standards in third world countries.

Healthcare though is ass and I don't get why people are so against universal healthcare. Hell I'd even be down for at the very least, ambulance rides being paid for by taxes only. I had a 3000 dollar ambulance ride after a seizure (I have epilepsy so it's not crazy out of the ordinary) once where all they did was take me 15 minutes away, with an IV of saline to keep me hydrated. I walked home out of the ER 3 hours later.

I live in Chicago and there's a family owned mexican restaurant next door and let me tell you it's the best fucking Mexican food I've ever had (not including some of the actual food in Mexico, but close). Usually though, the further north you get, the lower quality the Mexican food will be.

EDIT: Downvoted? Wtf? Because I said the best Mexican food I've had that wasn't in Mexico was in Chicago?

Not the one you're replying to, but I feel like you're confusing two things. Agenda 47 is his platform. One of the parts of that platform is increasing the power of the president. Which Trump would be.

Project 2025 has people who worked for and with Trump in the past, and their entire schtick is to also put people in power who would be able to give more powers to the president (that they like).

None of OP's replies are saying anything about Trump supporting Project 2025, they are merely saying Trump wants more power. Which is obvious to anyone that he does. Trump wanting more power doesn't mean he is for or against Project 2025. It just means this goals/agenda would benefit from Project 2025, regardless of if he says he supports it or doesn't support it.

Literally all the guy was saying was that Trump's goals and Project 2025's goals align with each other. That's it. He never claimed Project 2025 was Trump's platform. He never claimed that Trump supported it. But I believe that's how you read it originally.

Wtf? Every single consulting job seems to require a Masters at this point I swear. I've looked as I've worked in hospitality, digital recruiting, insurance tech and now healthcare tech so I've got a wide spread as well as tech for a few years but still nothing.

I didn't enjoy isometric or side scroller games (which was ironic becuase as a child I loved Neverwinter Nights, Castlevania, Gauntlet, Metal Gear Solid, etc) from like 2007 onwards.

I bought Hades and fucking loved it and started to give isometric and side scrollers another go. Now I play Dead Cells, Blasphemous, Door Kickers, Expeditions Rome, BG3, Shogun Shadow Tactics, Prince of Persia: Rogue, etc.

All because I tried Hades and it gave me faith in isometric/side scrollers again.

An overall story change: Robb Stark without a doubt. It would drastically affect everything and if Joffrey and team just sent them back Sansa and gave them their independence (they can always renege later if they're assholes) it would take a HUGE portion of the war concentration away while they focus on Stannis.

Ending of show change: Jaime fookin' Lannister easily. Having him just go back reverting to same character as season 1 basically was stupid. If they had sent him in and he decided to kill Cersei it would have been so much better for his character. Re-watch that ending scene of him and her in Season 6. He is literally looking at her with disgust and probably considering her the same as Aerys in that moment for blowing up the sept. Then in Season 7, he is utterly betrayed by her when she threatens to have Mountain kill him as he leaves (granted he calls her bluff but he is shown to be broken by that final betrayal).

Instead, even after her turning Mad Queen-esque and then threatening his life, he still decides 'Nah, I'm going back to her'.

So from a speed run build...let's say I was just trying to get throug here at low level to pick up gear, and then head out. White lines require a boss to be beaten. Yellow lines can be accessed via spirt spring, w/o a boss locking that area?

Or am I just misunderstanding it?
Cause I'm thinking how I can get a low level character to the area in top left where the highland attire is with fighting as few enemies as possible

Trust me I had my boy Ansbach in there. A shame I couldn't summon my other brother, Igon.

I think changing your armor/flask/items you eat, etc is perfectly fine if the boss fight requires you to do that.

I do however think it's absolute bullshit if the boss requires you to go completely respec your build into a different stat allotment just to beat it.

Lmao, not until I'm desperate. Fun fact: There are items in the DLC that you can't drop due to them having been cut content originally (Gloried Attire, Igon's set, etc). Idk if any of the weapons have that issue also

In all honesty, I've tried to get a lvl 1 character to beat Mohg/Radahn just so I could get into the DLC as Level 1, get those beastclaws, then hop back out into the main game and use them rest of the game

I got to each area...but cannot for the life of me kill them (shocker, I know). But I also can't summon anyone to get mad at me dying in one hit so...small blessing

I get your point but I think you're confusing speech cadence/patterns with content of speech/rambling. If someone said for Christopher Walken to tell a story about going to the grocery store and almost getting hit by a car he'd say it like:
"I was/WALKING/ to the grocery store and I/ ALMOST/ got hit/BY A CAR" He just puts the emphasis on different words while talking slower.

If you asked Donald Trump to say it, he'd say with more accepted emphasis but he'd also go off on tangents:
"I was walking to the grocery stores, we've got the best grocery stores, the ones in China dont compare, wonderful people the Chinese, but I was walking to the grocery stores and this car, this little car, this Toyota, good car but I prefer American cars myself, but this little car almost hit me. "

Christopher Walken's story is shorter but sounds weirder. Trump's story is drawn out and goes on weird threads but the speech cadence itself sounds closer to normalcy.

The issue isn't "Trump talks differently, he must have something wrong with him", the issue is that whenever he talks about something, it ends up into him rambling about 6 other somethings and sometimes never getting back to the original something he was going on about. A secondary issue is compare that to his older interviews from the 90's, hell even his show 'The Apprentice' he didn't ramble nearly as much. Obviously that's a whole different argument of if he's gotten worse over time, but you can see versions of him talking normally without the rambling nonsensical threads as well as now the way he just spits words and phrases out hoping one of them sticks. It's like he just starts sentences and hopes that it'll end somewhere.

I do not recommend starting with First Law as their first fantasy novel. It's great, don't get me wrong but will either turn them off of tons of other fantasy because of its grimdark nature or will ruin tons of other fantasy because it has such a unique dark humor-esque grittiness.

Red Rising I definitely recommend for someone who likes GoT and Dune. If they hadn't said only 3 books I'd have recommended Wheel of Time since it and Dune have tons of inpsiration drawn into WoT.

She's kind of annoying in Young Justice and Justice League Doom (though that one is more understandable) but you should watch the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows from Toonami back in the 2000's.

She is much better in those and her and Batman even have a much more in depth relationship between the two of them vs all the other aspects I've seen of them.

If anything, it should be the opposite. That he's too scared of losing his family out of paranoia so he takes more on himself and doesn't "delegate" enough.

I think Bruce being mentally unstable makes sense but not the point of how it's been shown recently. Like he definitely has trauma (obviously) but he shouldn't be literally insane because of it.

Also, I think the best example of Bruce being confronted by someone about Robin is this clip:

And his classic comet attack but this time...with 10 mini nukes also hitting the ground in an AOE at same time so not only are you trying to dodge his comet attack amidst a blazing white wall of pure light and explosions, you're also just hoping you don't get caught in one of the smaller mini nuke comets.

First time I died to it, I immediately switched out my physic to be negate damage, and save me from death when close. Then I drank it as soon as he jumped in the air and just prayed it would be enough.

Most of the time it was...most of the time

The pure philosophical aspects about Light Side vs Dark Side in "Traitor" is something for the ages. Honestly one of the top books from the entire EU.

White House- Executive Branch and President
Capitol Building- Congress, legislative branch
Supreme Court Building- Supreme Court, Judicial

Those are literally the three branches of our government so they shouldn't be a part of a specific state. The Pentagon, FBI HQ, etc are just headquarters for organizations /military bases, etc. The three pillars of our government are not focused on a specific state.

Not sure if that answers it.