How about "you're obviously avoiding the question so I'll ask again"

Jesus Christ it's like people just want journalists to glaze him constantly. Presidential candidates need to be challenged

Although yeah the Norn wasn't even focusing on them, hmm it's a toughy since they're my 2 favourite factions lol

Yeah that's what I was referring to, the banana boys got caught off guard. I still think the Norn is totally badass, but I don't think this scenario of a Norn tossing around 5 Custodes would happen again

(For the record I think 1 Custodian might have taken down the Norn in the Codex story if they were slightly more prepared)

I think what really makes him look short is the massive cape. The kitbashes I've seen without the cape make him look a lot better

Absolutely loving all these new shield captain kitbasges from everyone!

Is an "Adeptus Custodes Character unit" a unit with and "Adeptus Custodes Character" model? Or is it one that is an Adeptus Custodes unit and also a Character unit? Also would there be any examples from other armies on how this is interpreted?

Has this changed since Leviathan?

Thanks, yeah I saw someone using AI generated posters, which I loooove as an idea

Agh, I keep getting them mixed up!

Yeah that's roughly the mix I used, maybe I saw you mention it before and that's why I chose it? I also added some sand because I wanted to test out some extra texture. My sand I currently have has some larger granules, hence it being noticeable, but I just rolled with it and took it as dust, rubble, and battlefield explosion debris on a decimated planet, or something like that lol

It's a Barbguant, it was released in 10th edition!

Also the horizontal "seam" going across the ruin is actually a bit I cut out of the XPS to make some visual interest, not sure if I achieved that or if everyone just thinks that's where I joined 2 pieces 😅

I could seal the seams a bit better I'll admit, but I kinda like the way I did the corner, where it's 2 shallower corners than 1 90 degree corner

Thanks for the suggestions! Yeah I get what you mean, I was just working with the sand I had at the time, and yeah I'll add more varied damage and maybe some 3d printed stuff in the future.

And is there any new difference now in terms of spear vs axe?

Great analysis, though I'd say that the last part definitely needs a decision tree diagram, and it would be cool to see this for axes to see how they compare now

You wouldn't be able to allocate attacks to the neurotyrant anyway since is a leader, until the zoanthropes are dead

Because the neurotyrant is a monster or?

My beloved norn hits with S10 now :')

I love that this just gives +1S to all synapse model melee weapons

Indirect Norn Emissary melee buff YESSSSSSSS

Sorry, noob Q, how do you figure this? I don't see anything in the core rules part of the balance dataslate that says anything about dev wounds