Naked Fuck with a Stick


Naked Fuck with a Stick

Ok guys! I say Dark, you say Soul!


Demon souls ruined gaming for me. I've never been able to enjoy another game ever again since I played it. The only game I've come close to enjoying is King's Field.

Naked Fuck with a Stick

I was certain you'd kneel down to touch the arm or something like that. So for it to not even be a cutscene was a bit disappointing

Naked Fuck with a Stick

I was pretty surprised she was actually a remembrance. The game didn't do much to make her feel important

Waylin, the Wise Wizard of the Lake

/uw I recently heard a story of a guy who discovered that the kfc account followed 11 people, being the 4 spice girls and 7 guys named Herb, making it 11 herbs and spices. As reward for discovering this, kfc sent the guy an oil painting of him riding on the colonel's back through a majestic forest. They are genuinely cracked at marketing. I just wish their food was better, lol

#3 Bingo Player in the Western Hemisphere

You re-ruined the joke

It's capitalism but with goblins, basically

This one is just one comic out of context in a series. Basically, it's about fantasy capitalism

I actually did this in my first run. I felt like such a genius,

There's a difference between Saul chicanery and Doug antics. Both have the advantage in their respective home court, but this definitely falls under antics.

Jimmy is flustered and confused on why he is naked and covered in oil. Parkzer is familiar with Doug style antics, and would be unfazed and could argue flawlessly. Parkzer wins easily

Of course, most players play as the "imma kill everyone and everything cause why not" guy

Naked Fuck with a Stick

Bro did NOT gather enough skadookie fragmints

I don't know how, but I would somehow change the way the games feel worse once you play the next one. Asylum feels so incredibly slow after Knight and is just impossible for me to play now

It's so funny comparing MCU Thanos to comics version. He is (no pun intended) comically evil in the comics

It's settled then. It'll happen randomly in the middle of a pamper session, without you knowing about it

I hope we do, because if we don't then that means we'll never get Bloodborne on pc either

Whichever death prepares the meat best. So probably a quick death but not with chemicals

I tried that before. I ended up falling on some random geometry and got stuck up there. My entire time ended up dying trying to save me right as we were finishing the level. Definitely not my finest moment, but it sure was funny