Occult Wizard

Concept is funny, but harassing other people trying to work isnt cool.

I dunno, I liked rings of power. As long as we don’t make another 3 part hobbit trilogy, I’m always down for more lotr content.

I think it had more to do with the bricks on the floor which kept her from getting closer before sitting.

There are no undecided voters at this stage, the only people left to convince are the ones who don’t usually vote at all. Get to the polls when it matters, and it matters so much now.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Both of them are old as fuck and ramble incoherently. So suddenly saying that only one of them is too old is a hot garbage take.


You dont need the comma after filming, otherwise it sounds like you're starting a list of things that are suddenly acceptable instead of talking about just one thing.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Biden has never been deemed demented enough to be forced to take one.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Trump hasnt won a single thing since 2016.

Trumps image has gotten worse and worse with time since he’s left office. Biden still wins against trump, just like he did last time.

Every single post saying they want him to step down is just Republican nonsense because they think trump would win against someone else.

Don't even talk to me about season 8. I can't believe they tried to phone it in like that. It just felt ingenuine, like who do they think they are?

Trumps image has gotten worse and worse with time since he’s left office. Biden still wins against trump, just like he did last time.

Every single post saying they want him to step down is just Republican nonsense because they think trump would win against someone else.

:libleft: - Lib-Left

I’m ok with him losing over and over again forever

:libleft: - Lib-Left

‘Whichever party’ - yeah I’m sure the other side will totally replace trump….

I don’t see any issue with making an offer, some places are more willing to negotiate than others.

Occult Wizard

It's a Muntjac deer. They have some extra scent glands on their face, so this is him trying to get an extra sniff of the food.

So, is this collection trying to convey something? Or is it just 8 random stills?

:Zealot: Zealot

There were dreams of having secondary planets and different chaos god infestations which will probably never happen until darktide 2 or whatever.

Imagine this being played on a tv set to max volume in a busy department store, it would cause a scene every time it aired.

Occult Wizard

Uhh… Primarch… I swear we parked it right here.