Maybe it'll be awesome and they can post to r/nextfuckinglevel

Or it'll suck and they could post it to this sub

Either way, internet points, that's what matters

I haven't used any groups but you can get by with just English extremely easily in most of those countries. A little trickier in China and rural parts of the other countries but still doable.

I did basically this loop in 2016 except back then Myanmar was more open, so I fit three stops in Myanmar in after Chiang Mai, plus Malacca and Langkawi before winding up back to Bangkok where I started. It was rad, kind of rushed though tbh. I think the shorter loop with eight weeks should be fine though

Aside from the Sadhu part, this is also the appropriate way to prepare for a Greyhound trip in the US

Could do a loop something like this

Bangkok - Siem Reap - Phnom Penh - Saigon - Hue/Danang - Hanoi/Halong Bay - Luang Prabang - Chiang Mai / Chiang Rai - back to Bangkok

If you find yourself with some extra time at the end, jump a flight down to Penang. Good food there, nightlife is just okay. Drinking in Malaysia is generally more expensive than the other SE Asian countries north of it too, just an FYI for nightlife

Three trips that weren't specifically intended to be wildlife tourism but turned out that way:

  • Taking the ferry from Punta Arenas to Puerto Montt in Chile. Two-and-a-half days up the coast, saw an unbelievable number of whales, dolphins and seals. Like at one point I could see more whales than I could count, probably like 60, 70, 80, I really have no idea, it was unreal.
  • Road trip to Tuktoyaktuk via the Alaska Highway, then the Dempster Highway. So many bears, bison, mountain goats, birds of prey, saw all sorts of critters. Didn't see any polar bears in Tuk unfortunately, but apparently they were around. Had foxes trying to steal my unattended food while I was setting up camp at night.
  • Kangaroo Island, off the coast of South Australia, went over there to do some camping. Fairy penguins are the cutest damn things, I could watch those goofy bastards waddle around forever. Also got lucky and had the opportunity to get very close to sea lions while they had pups around, there were regular tours that usually had 20-30 people, however it worked out that the time my girlfriend and I signed up for only had the two of us, so the tour guide said since it was only two of us we'd go off the usual route and go into some restricted areas, it was cool.

"Is somebody grumpy? I know what'll turn that frown upside down!" unzips

I don't see how it can fail

Another thing that came to mind, maybe a passport case. I have a little zipper-up case I keep mine in, with a couple pockets where I keep a bit of emergency cash, yellow fever vax paper, things like that.

Used to keep my passport loose but one night many years back I forgot it in my cargo pants pocket at an outdoor party with lots of rain ... it got pretty jacked up, since then I'm a lot more careful with it.

Plenty of people enjoy cooking. I mean, some people sign up cooking classes while they're on vacation.

I've taken campervan trips around Australia and NZ, usually meant hitting up grocery stores and cooking at the campsite most nights and most mornings, still very much a vacation and very enjoyable.

Probably not much else you need to bring given you're traveling on a school trip. Maybe an adaptor, but you might not even need that depending what electronics you're bringing and where you're staying. Even toiletries, unless you're particular, you can just use what the hotel has at your destination.

This might sound crazy for an introvert, but I'd recommend something like a long weekend in Vegas. Here's why:

  • There's a shit ton to do, even if you don't like gambling (I don't) just walking around is fun. You can grab a beer, pop on some headphones, walk down the strip and just take it in
  • Because there are loads of people there, no one is going to notice one introverted rando, you're just a face in a sea of faces, you can blend into the background very easily
  • It'll get you used to things like searching for hotels, restaurants, etc., without worrying about foreign currencies, driving long distances, availability (there's always something available in Vegas). It's an extremely easy place to navigate
  • If you do decide to mix it up with some strangers, it's easier to do that in Vegas than in most places

Short camping trips. Lots of camping and hiking. Cheap, no flights involved, can do it over a weekend

Yeogwans are a cheaper alternative to hotels in Seoul, they're everywhere but booking them in advance can be tricky, many don't have an online presence, and often the people running them don't speak English so you need some basic Korean or some translation app to get sorted. Been in a while since I've stayed in one but they used to be around 40 CAD per night in places like Hongdae/Sinchon. Typically very clean, private bathrooms, basic amenities like a kettle and a TV in the room.

Another alternative is goshiwons/goshitels, these are microapartments you can rent by the week or the month. They're very cheap but not for everyone, they're quite small, often a bit run-down. These used to be about 15-20 CAD per night if you rented by the month (I think they're more like 25-30 these days), a little more for a weekly rental, and usually include a shared kitchen and shared laundry.

I travel with a larger bag (65L) fairly often but I see two main reasons to do so:

  • Traveling through climates which require more clothes, like very cold places
  • Require extra equipment that most travelers don't, e.g. a tent & sleeping bag if you're camping, maybe electronics for some people and some types of trips, maybe medical devices (?)

Also, if you go with a large bag you're probably going to want to get a smaller day-bag as well, for a couple reasons:

  • Carrying a 70L bag on daily excursions is no good
  • When you check your 70L bag you'll still want a carry-on with your most important things

You'll want to make sure that you can walk comfortably with both bags, the ideal thing to do is get a larger bag that has a detachable smaller bag sold with it, rather than trying to lash them together (this rarely works that well and is inconvenient) or stuffing the smaller one inside the larger one.

"I said organ donor not organ dinner"

BOS - NHL :60302:

Lmao, yeah divisions are why Buffalo hasn't made it to the dance in like 15 years

I was on a long-distance bus (like 12-13 hours) in Peru with a few of my buddies, one of them was sleeping and the woman next to him put her baby into his arms and then she went to sleep. He kind of came to as she was turning away, he was like WTF but he didn't really know what to do, he tried talking to her but she just pretended to be asleep. He's a really nice guy, kind of shy, doesn't like confrontation, so he ended up riding with this baby for like 6 hours until she woke up and decided to take the kid back

I have a vague recollection of a WWII Looney Tunes cartoon where one of the characters was hitting artillery shells with a hammer, and when they didn't explode marking them "DUD" with a stamp...