My band could use a website... I've got another professional buddy making one in his spare time, but he has exactly zero time to spare lol

Well that's disturbing and disgusting at the same time.

Yeah it was at Kenny's Westside in Peoria... They have a Facebook and the full vid is on there iirc

There was definitely ADD, autism, and all of these fucking things in 1994.

Shirt needs blurred... Don't do Blankman like that. Lol

Second on Rock Island trail.. it's long enough you can definitely find a flat spot in the shade. Not sure about bathrooms but there's plenty of trees around? Lol

That we're satanic.

I hear that shit more than any other stupid thing about atheism. That we actually worship the devil.

Irony is fucking lost on these people.

It's almost as if giving children assault weapons is super fucked up.

Yeah all those are crimes. Adoption isn't.

This is like saying traveling with your luggage is smuggling because some people smuggle things in their luggage.

Yeah those "educated elites" definitely are the dumb ones. Not the fat turds wrapped in Chinese made American flags at the Trump rallies.

Great observation and definitely true.


Hell yeah. Just wish Robert Randolph was with them like their earlier tour.

Yeah they breathe through their mouth and think land votes. It's an issue.

It's a fucking planet fitness. This four second clip gives you exactly no reference to how this dog actually behaved the entire time it was there. And frankly if I was at the gym and someone brought their fucking dog in, I'd be pissed too. Ain't nobody trying to deal with that shit. It's not a goddamn dog park.