Foolery! Just checked your account and you haven't received any :4183:

Of course it's not a network problem. Monero is up 24/7.

Sure. I'm not trying to justify their bad procedures.

I find real conspiracies interesting and we all know that there is something in Monero, but there is no need to take it to the extreme. It is simply a default generic message. CEXs never give details when they disable withdrawals. Yesterday one of my shitcoins could not be withdrawn for the same reason and the Network was also working perfectly.

Eeeh.. What's an exit strategy?

iOS: from Cake Labs Android: Monerujo from m2049r

:moons: 42 / 43 🦐

And Zephyr is copy-pasted from Haven Protocol.

There is something like this being developed in the CryptoNote environment. Just follow the rabbit hole.

It increased to 510,000,000T in less than 24h.

What if Satoshi was an early AI?

:moons: 42 / 43 🦐

and the auditor will obviously be scrupulous and impartial.

:moons: 42 🦐

That would be correct since they have the private keys. The customer only owns rights. Not your keys not your coins.

Kalium APK update failed:Hi: Asking For Help

I had trouble updating the latest Kalium APK version via direct download. It says there is a conflict with a directory or file from the older version installed. Is there anything that can be done without uninstalling the previous version? u/bbedward

I have noticed a massive volume increase from Poloniex XMRUSDT pair over the last few weeks. Why?