Slavery ain't good lol, you'll be better off getting Africans as accepted pops by forcing a civil war.

In my current multiplayer game, the one guy who turned to do a slavery run as spain, ended up basically becoming a failed state. His SoL was so bad that we just all siphoned his pops. He got to %99.3 slave pops in one of his states.

Yes, I absolutely love getting nuln ironsides or hochland long rifles in my dwarf armies.

Or conversely in an Empire army you can have thunderers up front, handgunners/ironsides right behind them, and yet again outriders with rifles behind them, and all can shoot over the unit in front of them. Tho I also find a simpler solution to be to just have 4 allied ironbreakers as my frontline for an empire gunline(as if you need a melee front in a fully built out gunpowder army lol)

Nurgle is very loving. He just happens to love bacteria and fungus more than other so-called 'Gods of Life'

Yea, uh, middle east tends to be VERY unfriendly to LGBT. Death penalty on the table in some countries. You think BMW wants to stir that pot?

You hears it here folks so yall can stop self victimizing. It's a good time for historical fans!

I might ally a skaven for the shooting, if I'm chaos warriors or something. I generally try to pick my allies based on a slight RP. Chaos wants to dominate other chaos (the forced confederation is nice too). Same goes for someone like greenskins, I don't ally grimgor, I hunt him down to beat him and absorb him, something like that

Bro you can start a new run. $2bil gdp, $1 mill weekly government income? It's ok to leave this one behind and pursue a fun run again

BTW spheres dlc should do the trick but until then I use foreign investment mod if I want to play tall but vassalize

There ain't an army that can't make good use of hochland long rifles/crane gunners/jezzails, so hell yea I'm trying to get allied recruitment going

I'll be excited when it's actually out lol


Russia, China, Iran, Houthis, Venezuela, they are just playing around

It's probably more of a small scale saga game, but Total War Hauteville. The norman conquest of Southern Italy from the byzantine and Muslims and fighting off HRe and crusades and shit. Lot of diverse factions in a condensed area

They have a very thematic campaign that plays how you'd expect a slow, but sure, unstoppable undead army. Takes awhile to get going, takes patience, like the undead have patience and time on their hands the living don't have. They use their luxury of time to their advantage and eventually become unstoppable

When have you ever known a dwarf to have a temperate temperament? They are too angry for easy weather

It's hard to say. 3k has the best core campaign mechanics in the entire franchise.

But I'd also argue it has some of the most boring unit variety, whereas warhammer definitely has the best.

3k battles are still quite good tho.

So really it comes down to how much you value good campaign vs interesting units. If it's not a big deal, or it's at least even, yea you'll probably end up liking 3k

Oh, maybe not? I'm not positive lol

Hell yea! It's kind of a wierd pace to a campaign but once you get used to it, you'll be a powerhouse. Luckily it's pretty fun to defend in FotS since that's what you'll be doing a lot of while your town growth ramps up lol

You have the counter to the new strong dwarf war machines: Flying shit.

As for slayers, that's the scary one. Uhh Sylvanian cross ow dudes? Man I dunno.

No. I bought it last year for $10. I wish I could refund it but I got a phone call and left the game open to end up past 2 hours. It's not engaging.

It does, however, have Attila battles so it's not all bad

Those have a lot of utility. Useful for local telecommunications, passing contraband around, flushing turds. All thar good stuff

OK people in here trying to get nail bombs sent to their IP address, I see lol. Watch it now, some jokes ain't always worth making.

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Uh kind of? Every 15 turns they have the opportunity to spawn an extra army if they got their grudges settled

The red states got all the ballistic missiles and nukes, right?

True. There are people out there that want a bloated open world experience.

Me? Give me fun, let me move on. I guess I'm in camp 2 of your example, tho I have both time and money cus I don't sleep and I don't have kids lol. So either I'm playing strategy sandbox games (that have tons of dlc) like Total War or paradox games, or I'm playing stuff that won't last more than 12 hours but was interesting the whole time