This was the set that made me say to my wife “we have disposable income now - let me start a hobby. I want this.”

It sold out and retired before I could ever get it. :(

It was one day, and was on Canada Day. Im happy for them, but it was a one off.

Let’s talk about a “higher level team” when the riverhawks are selling out 6+ games in a row.

I’m talking colour scheme/design.

Trunks, gloves, purple/dark blue/black/greys, maybe a big gold emblem on his chest, yellow belt with capsules.

As opposed to the Nolan, Affleck, or Pattinson style of suit where it was a body suit with armor all over it, with an all black colour scheme or only black and dark grey.

If I remember everything it does correctly, it lowers or kills everything that doesn’t improve performance (ac/heating is non-existent), changes the rpm level when it shifts, and isn’t stingy with the fuel like regular drive.

I agree that the concept was abused/misused by auto makers back in the day.

But it’s definitely not something you use all the time.

In my 2017 civic it’s nice.

Push a button to kill eco, shift into sport, and it jack rabbits at the slightest throttle pressure.

Guzzles gas like crazy, but for the situation I described above it does great. The second I don’t need it though, I drop back into regular drive and turn eco back on.

It’s obvious he’s an idiot or trolling though: he’s talking like you are going to roll around in sport mode all the time.

Most people only use sport mode in highway traffic when they want to cut through the idiots and get ahead of it. Or when they want to show off.

Honestly though, that worked when Stark was active in the MCU.

He was supplying suits to people for most of the MCU.

All that being said, I’m expecting a year-one or a BTAS style Batman - Gunn seems to like the more classic motifs.

And I’m going to be honest - I’m not a fan of the trunks and classic looks - I liked the Snyder suits and the more realistic look to some of them.

Same - wife was on the fence about another Apple TV.

Found them on sale at Costco, showed her the articles about the controversies (forced arbitration, forced ads, remote disabling of the tv if you don’t agree) and I didn’t even have to ask - she put the Apple TV card in the cart herself and said “fuck that shit”.

Turn off auto updates by disconnecting the tv from the network.

Same thing as the 231st/stony plain rd intersection CTV covered a couple weeks ago: it’s not dangerous unless someone does something stupid.

And some of the people railing against that intersection paint it like it’s playing russian roulette and it’s dangerous 24/7, but I cruise through it every single day and rarely have issues as long as no one acts stupid.

What voting rights? Permanent residents aren’t allowed to vote and they have to live here for 6 years before they are eligible to even apply for citizenship to gain the right to vote.

Cue Smith declaring companies not allowed to take Federal money without Provincial approval/oversight.

They also hate immigrant homeowners because they are jealous.

They forget that the people that didn’t abuse the system are either skilled labour or educated, so once we arrive and get our feet under us, we can “pull ourselves up by the bootstraps” and buy a home.

Meanwhile the angry neck beard that is constantly on the verge of moving back to the basement is pissed that he can’t and whinges on Reddit about it.

I wasn’t officially diagnosed, but rather after I crawled out of that hole did a Dr say “you do know that you were suffering from depression and should have gotten help”.

What got me out of it was being able to work (I was in the middle of immigrating and not allowed to work), my wife no longer working out of town on a 21/7 rotation, and I had no friends or social circle so it was me and my infant daughter day after day.

Occasionally Mom (wife) would rotate home and it would be a whirlwind of “let’s go do something!” for about 5 days, and then it would be back to just me and the baby.

Hell, I couldn’t even go to the park with her some days because there was a woman who kept calling the cops on me for “being a creep at the park” (cops were really nice about it).

Being able to get out of the house and having a purpose, have money to do stuff other than survive, and conversing with adults really made a difference in my mental health.

My head-canon is she’s phasing all but the most thin layer of molecules in her body so that she’s stepping on the oxygen/nitrogen molecules.

Until the band officially announces anything it’s all just rumours and making shit up for clicks.

The root is the wife has been watching too much Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon and thinks her husband sending money to the sister is child support and that he’s spending too much time with his “other daughter”.

Wife needs to chill the F out.

I’m a Dad with a daughter - I don’t want to know when it happens as long as my wife is looped in.

You said it yourself, he’s high strung and it took you a couple weeks to process - now he’s trying to process.

Misercordia as well.

I think U of A is the only one that isn’t religious.

Same reason the Grey Nuns has crucified Jesus on the walls in the maternity ward and the Misercordia made me listen to sermons over the PA system while I was being treated (both in Edmonton) - Catholic Church built the hospitals back in the day and continue to run them now.

The Province tolerates them because the hospitals (mostly) follow the rules and don’t deny care, and it means the Province doesn’t have to build and maintain new hospitals - they just pay the bills that the hospitals send them.

Dark Falcon just looks to weird to me.

RoS is my vote.

Isn’t it for ele and enhance before they get their real abilities and is replaced by Storm Strike?

Op in that thread really missed the point of his comments about the RAW photos.

Cool - you don’t sell them. You won’t get his business then because that’s what he wants to buy: a photo session and the RAW’s.

Beyond that, there is no further discussion. Sell the raws, get a gig. Don’t and don’t get a gig.