I've been crocheting for ever, and one time I saw online someone crocheting with wire, and that's basically the whole story :).

Crocheting with wire is the same as crocheting with yarn, you just have to put more muscle to it, and your fingers suffer, but I kinda got used to it.

You can check some tutorials on youtube, if you search for "wire crochet tutorial" you'll find tons of them :).

I have had lots of male customers that wear my pendants, one time even some hardcore biker dude :D.

I guess I could make one with a design that is more bulky or something? But overall, it wouldn't be much different from the one I posted.

Thank you!

I used 0.3 mm wire for the crocheting and the tree, and 1 mm for the frame around the stone; metal hook size 2.5 mm.

Boop that nose! I love this photo!