This is old…so old. Dog was harassing the kangaroo. Owner is a dummy.

I acquired Puddy, or he found me….he was definitely someone’s older kitten who had been left behind. It took him a while to come inside but he’s mine now. Damn cat has been my steady companion thru some rough shit.

Add an in ground pool while you’re at it😂

FYI….in the islands, it’s considered good luck to have a bird poo on you. Hope that helps.

I use a tiny bit of soap to clean my cast iron pans.

Fuck em. I’ve spent a lifetime in the hospitality industry and I’m with you. I tip generously waiters and bartenders. The rest need to speak to their boss. Better an asshole than a sucka.

Lord….have….mercy. Hollywood beach and Fort Lauderdale beach are not connected at all. You cannot walk down the beach from Hollywood to Fort Lauderdale.

I’m looking at 5 day old polish…after washing dishes, pulling tape off a box, mopping a floor and not a CHIP😳. Apparently I’m late to the game because my gfs know all about it.

Makes the walker glide instead of having to pick it up every time you take a step.

I left my Puddy for the summer last year and he was perfectly fine, happy to see me but fine. They have no concept of time.

Ya calling people dumb and…..the parade is on Fort Lauderdale beach.

I just found sally Hansen gel polish, no uv light. 2 coats of polish and then the top shiny or matte coat activates it and I am blown away at how long it stays on no chip for over a week and counting. I use my hands a lot and always had trouble with chipping.

Ask the West Point Cadets that almost died last spring break buying some Colombian powder from someone on the beach. Secret sauce is fentanyl these days. Don’t take the chance.

Way too close together…I’d transplant every other one.

A police report is a good start…a crime has been committed. The police should be able to get the bracelet back.