You're being condescending for no good reason.

It’s not about being brave it’s about spreading awareness amid the bread and circuses.

Why is 1970 blank?

Edit: you can downvote but you can never take away the negative Karma accrued by that “nation.”

Before winning a championship, it was 2022. After winning a championship, it’s 2023. Fuck the heat and their geriatric “superstar.”

The best-case scenario is Bezos buys the Celtics and pays for a roster that wins 4 out of the next 5 championships but the caveat is the new Celtics arena will be shaped like a massive dick.


He wasn’t 100% at fault but as the guy with the loudest voice (he had a microphone) he could’ve helped prevent it. My brothers and cousins were there. They were nearly trampled to death. Fuck him.

Edit: Travis makes great music but has questionable character traits. Downvote all you want. 🐑

Same here. I became a fan in 2009 and have fully paid the debt of being a post-champion bandwagon.

It’s Ian Finance. Jew almost got it right.