
Sounds like Brendan Schaub

Bachelor Squatch

That makes sense. There’s no way he wasn’t a bully in grade school

Bachelor Squatch

Made with meat of your neighbors?

Get marrow bones, they’re available frozen at pet stores or some butchers will offer them. Make sure they are raw, since cooked bones can splinter. My boy will gnaw on them for hours and keep coming back to them days later, and it helps clean their teeth.

I got probably 2500 plays on my pro with zero malfunctions, that thing is built to last without any mechs that can break.

I can't understand anyone preferring Jurassic Park pro over premium! The raptor pit alone...

I personally prefer the pro. The extra features you get on the premium aren't worth the extra money, and I don't particularly like having to hit the left ramp to collect.

Bachelor Squatch

Every time there is a situation where a right wing shooting or bombing or whatever could happen he says to watch out for false flags. Because he knows the right is unhinged.

AllTrails works great for that as well

None that I'm aware of...your better bet is Seattle, Denver, Huntsville, New Orleans, Cape Canaveral...

If that isn’t totaled then what is? Sorry OP.

They never actually announce anything at these meetings, so don't expect anything. Just more of the same lip service.

I agree but pics have too much focus on Space Needle, we have a lot of cool towers here.

I think most people could do 6-8 flat miles round trip (3-4 miles one way). The more elevation you gain the harder it is obviously.

North Cascades are still fantastic for day hiking

Bachelor Squatch

And we have many ferries to choose from

Pulp’s a good game but it certainly doesn’t have the relatability of Jaws.

Except on Game of Thrones. Cutting that playfield on the pro is much appreciated.

This game seems like premium is the way to go for sure if you can afford it. Pro is still great value too.

Elwin overall is the best designer at making the premium worth it. Jurassic Park the premium is WAY better, Godzilla as well, AIQ the premium is better because of the saucer though I don't love how hard that wire form shot on the right is. Iron Maiden is his only game I prefer the pro.

I prefer Elvira overall but Batman is more replayable, the code is a masterpiece