
Gameplay's fun but not big on the character herself.

Edit: progressed on the story, she's growing on me.

Probably still gonna get it but i really do prefer the original version. And i prefer to be a fledgling than this phyre person. I know they did it in redemption but ehhhh i like making my own character for it with no history of their own.


Your words sing to me kindred! A most flattering serenade of words! Preesh!

Extremely cold take but new vegas or vampire the masquerade bloodlines

Deadpool's funny?

Probably shocker imo? Dude rarely gets a break and is almost tragically funny.

Dead space where issac gets his head replaced by a necromorph divider.

Why do we need robots to look human? Cant we lean towards wall-e type designs? :( much better than this uncanny valley shit.

Helldivers 2 without using support stratagems except maybe a shield generator on particularly gnarly difficulties. Its been pretty fun me n some friends having been focusing on stealth and trying to find support weapons on the map.

4 team mech runs are ridiculously fun. My only wish is to initiate "piggy back mode".

Like it was a good romp but cmon bud, there was no way they were gonna kill her off in this patch especially when they already did the fake out a few patches earlier.

Elio said she was gonna 'experience' 3 deaths. Plus if any stelleron hunter was gonna legit die itd be waaaaaay later on.

This entire scene i just wanted to find kiana and drag her and silverwolf/bronya back to mei :(

Most of the western world would too! US and the UK are masters of destruction!

I mean again i feel all of humanity fit destruction well! From the big corporate heads with their factories, to the sociopathic world leaders, to violent teens in the streets and to margaret the house wife killing flies.

Nanook. If there's anything us humans are AMAZING at its killing and destroying and not just in a literal sense either. We're so damn good as a species tbf i think regardless of what we evolved from i think we would be masters of destruction. As a weird RP sub reddit once said "humans are space orcs"