Every body reacts differently to medication and I am not a doctor - just a fellow sufferer.

It sounds like your medication isn't working for you though and to be honest I'm surprised about the triptans as they aren't actually recommended for HM. Aimovig actually has different effects and it takes time for the body to adapt to it, but my neurologist said that the results for migraines with aura (and that's HM) are not as promising as for migraines without aura. (For me it didn‘t worked at all). After we tried a few medications, he suggested treatment with lamotrigine. I was sceptical and also tired of all the trials but it made such a positive difference to me!

Studies on it are also very promising...




Might be for a shot to ask you doctor or get a second opinion.

I had to quit my job and stopped working for a year when the whole thing started. I then worked in an office for a while, during which time I tried different medications and it slowly became more controlled. My attacks became less frequent and less severe. But it was / still is a journey… I decided to change jobs again - the office is just not for me - and I am now working as a teacher.

Thank you! Fortunately he is responding well to his treatment so far

I'm so sorry you have to go through this! I had something similar happen to me during my early years of my career and was forced to take a desk job. My medication (Lamictal) has allowed me to change careers again and do something I like more than the desk job, but I can understand the heartache associated with the forced change you have to make due to HM. I will probably never be able to pursue my actual career choice.

I'm not from the US, so I don't know if this is helpful, but at the height of everything I was told to register with the national rare diseases association. They needed genetic proof to be able to represent me though. But since then they have been a great help to me. They have legal resources and support me with medical and work-related issues and have checked with me, for example, that rules on working hours are not discriminatory because I just need some time to get back to work after an attack.

Zwei Jobs - ist das machbar? Bundesweit/Allgemein

Hallo zusammen, ich habe die Möglichkeit bekommen, neben meinem eigentlichen Beruf (Beratung) auch als Lehrkraft zu arbeiten.

Ich habe etwas Berufserfahrung (Haupt- und Grundschule) und wäre auch sehr an einem Quereinstieg interessiert! Allerdings frage ich mich, ob das zeitlich überhaupt machbar ist?

Hat jemand Erfahrungen als Lehrkraft mit zwei Jobs? Ist es zeitlich machbar? Habt ihr Tipps? Habt ihr lange in beiden Jobs gearbeitet oder euch doch für einen entschieden?

P.s. Ich arbeite im Ausland, es wäre eine internationale Schule, nicht staatlich.

You never know how much more time you are able to enjoy together - just make every moment special and celebrate life (as they do) - and listen to her not the people around you. I am sure Stacia will tell you what she needs in her senior years.

Do you take any meds for your HM? When I was on Topamax this hot/cold and tremor thing started to show (after 6/7 months). Went away when I switched meds.

Thank you for sharing! Can I ask if you are happy with the result after removing them? Have you choose to do a combined surgery? (Explant+ lift and or fat transfer?)

I agree - Deworming medicine would be important.

But she looks a lot better and happy!

Could it be that her muscles are still a bit weak? If she was locked up for a long time and malnourished, they couldn't develop properly. This will take some time, take her on walks and make sure she walks uphill, maybe you have a forest nearby where she can run around a bit.

Scuba and Apnoe (breath hold diving) diving do however have very different impacts on your body.

When descending in breath hold diving the pressure reduces your lung volume by compressing the air in your lungs.

In scuba diving, gas is delivered to you surrounding pressure. This means that your lungs equalize to the changing depth with every breath - so regardless of depth the lung volume remains approx. the same as when you breath on the surface. As you ascend, expanding gas escapes during each expiration, so equalization is totally automatic as long as you breath normally. In this scenario however, severe complications, such as burst lungs, can arise if you were holding your breath.

There is a device that was sold to allow snorklers to consume air under water - it has been labeled as a suicide device wrapped up as a toy.


Mine did that too and the vet suggested to get surgery (when he was around 3 years old). I would NEVER do the surgery again. It was a very painful recovery and he ended to need the surgery twice as it wasnt healing properly. After the second surgery his leg was destroyed - it clearly was the vets. fault, but my dog almost lost his leg. We were „lucky“ that it didn‘t got infected but his knee cap is gone and he cannot use his leg anymore. He is 17 now and has a lovely life, but I am still feeling sorry that I decided for the surgery.

It is possible that your husband's nursing diploma is not recognised in Luxembourg. You can contact the competent ministry (MESR) to clarify this first:


I also exerienced twitching, spasm etc while I was on topamax (and Incontinence and hair loss - to name a few sideffects - Topamax helped me bit I ignored the sideeffects for too long.)

Neuro always said that this could not be linked to Topmax but it disappeared when I went off.. .

I then tried Aimovig which did nothing for me…

Currently on a higher dose of Lamotrigin (2x 100mg per day) and it changed my life!! Didnt had a migraine in 3 months, my body doesnt hurt anymore, I dont need sunglasses 24/24 and can visit concerts 😅 its unreal.

Meet my old man - 17 years and counting!
  • Meet my old man - 17 years old - He is originally from Spain and just loves the sun!

  • He started to sleep very deep. I am always getting scared as he is not really responding/ waking up(only when he smells his favorite treat - dried fish)


Hi! I was in a similar situation.

Also tried a bunch of other meds that failed or had too many side effects. My neurologist suggested Lamictal, and like you, I was anxious to try a new med. Actually I was frustrated.

I then stopped taking meds for almost two months as I thought that maybe I dont suffer from (hemiplegic) migraine, after all but just experience side effects from the meds… Turns out I was wrong about that - so wrong.

After this, I gave Lamictal a try, and I am so happy I gave it a try. I am not in pain anymore, my aura is almost gone and I feel like I have more energy (and I can drink red wine, am currenly working 60h/week - and dont have attacks. Its crazy.

FYI: I am taking 100mg - morning and evening. (I dont see side effects (for now).

Since this post is older - did you try it? How is/was your experience?

Hi! Thanks for your answer! I also see a correlation with migraines but it is still super weird as they usually last longer than the actual migraine. I would love to understand what is going on but maybe its time to accept that it this is just how it is. Good luck to you too!

Recurring- Bell‘s palsy - migraine

Hi everyone! I am curious if anyone experienced recurring Bells Palsy and if yes - did you figure out why?

I experience facial palsy nearly monthly in more or less sever forms lasting between 1h and 3 weeks. My trigerminal nerve sometimes hurts but usually my face & tongue are just numb.

My neuro suspects hemiplegic migraine but is not 100% sure.

After years of trial (my dog is 17) the only thing that truly worked is : virbac allerderm spot on.

He still eats his salmon as he loves it and we stay as far away from water as we possible can… as water, even in combination with the most calming shampoo ever invented, makes it a lot worse… but this little spot on is our secret.

It‘s a fishibg boot that sank. Its a boat dive - Aventura IB (see link above) organizes guided dives and are located in Colonia St Jordi.