Basically you want most of the apps recurrent customers to be removed lol 

She's not going to fuck you, chill out.

Yep. "Looking for companionship" rofl, the naivety is staggering. She's going to make a third child without a father figure in their lives, is what she most likely will end up doing. And for the record, any men engaging with women like this knowing damn well they are going to put another child in her then dip are even bigger pieces of shit.

Somewhat similar research showing that womens preferences for partners differ whether they use hormonal birth control or not. Kinda sad to me that hormone cycles and birth control end up controlling attraction and partner preference to this large degree. Makes it feel less authentic in some way.

You point out that it's sad for someone to love you only for your temporary muscles, but how about someone loving you only for a brief period (lol) because they were at a certain stage of their cycle.

Ok but how is that the womans fault? Did she choose the height for you?

Sure, if you want to get deeper into this topic then muscles, or better yet general fitness, is going to improve your physical attractiveness. Physical attractiveness mostly matters for first impressions, but it's drowned out by a host of other qualities when it comes to long term relationships (some of which you mentioned).

They don’t understand why them getting in shape doesn’t increase their success in the dating pool.

Differs from my experience. From what I see most men almost always have trouble with the "first impressions" part of dating, and rarely the long term part. And sadly first impressions nowadays (thanks dating apps) is mostly about your looks and other superficial qualities. So to improve their chances of even getting a match in the first place, improving their fitness is going to help them a lot.

I encourage men in my life to do is to get a hobby, volunteer, travel, learn, be open minded

These are all generally good things to do, especially for meeting people.

If we are being pedantic then by some definition there are people who have died more than once. Had their heart stop beating and reached unconsciousness to then be revived later.

It's the same because both are physical attributes..

It doesn't equal "instant attraction" but getting fit is one of the 3 biggest things a man can do to increase his attractiveness. The other two being clothing and haircut. I don't know what you're trying to say, gaining muscle will definitely make you more attractive as a man. Maybe not to you, but to the majority of women.

There are gay men that follow manosphere influencers like Tate?

You're welcome, spreading positivity is my goal in life

Tagging in your alt accounts really sold me on how hard Internet arguments matter to you rofl

Oh, apologies, I didn't realize I was addressing a debate lord.

You're the one picking Internet fights by calling people a*tistic incels

So based on her very brief profile you decided to make completely unfounded and highly judgemental claim that she is an alcoholic

Are you trolling? You're doing great if you are. If not, she literally declares herself as a daydrinker and is looking for someone who does the same 🙂 Let me know how many day drinkers you know that aren't classified as alcoholics.

looking to mainly get free drinks from guys she goes on dates with.

Maybe not, but to me that part of the bio communicates "I'm not interested in writing a proper bio or talking over the app, get me some drinks if you want to get to know me". But that's my highly unfounded and judgemental interpretation of course 😉

Well you know what they say; it takes one to know one ;)

You could always point out what you disagree with like a well-functioning person? That is if stringing together more than two sentences isn't too hard for you.

No she didn't say that, but I feel like it's almost implied. But anyway, you seem quite optimistic about people giving them the benefit of the doubt like that, I guess I just don't share that energy

Eh... I think more likely she's a functional alcoholic considering she is looking for a "day drinking partner" and the whole "no one night stands, take me out for drinks and get to know me" is just a clever way for her to get the best of any match; if she finds him ugly she gets away with free drinks, and if he's hot she gets a lay as well.

Edit: Also the "bad at writing, can't hold a conversation without alcohol being involved" ugh. Stuck between feeling bad for these people and wanting them as far away from me as possible.

Nei som du vet så er r/Norge en ordentlig sub hvor man skal gjøre seg fortjent til enhver upvote. Her er det bare høykvalitets innlegg som gjelder, slik som linker til clickbait artikler fra VG og Aftenposten.

Men spøk til side så har jeg ikke noe imot downvotes, folk bidrar med morsomme kommentarer og det er det som gjelder.

Kanskje dette er en skill issue på min side. Er den norske oversettingen av skill issue "treningssak"?

Synes faktisk Spania er litt for varmt igjen. Foretrekker overskyet med 10 - 20 grader. Kanskje Tyskland?

Nei bare dårlig hukommelse og misliker snø.

Det er ikke lov. Ikke på grunnlovsmåneden.

Passende mem til anledningen

Noen ba tydeligvis for snø

Tipper det var deg. Verdensfred er vel kanskje litt mye å be om men du må gjerne senke prisen på norsk brød. Skjønner heller ikke hvorfor det skal koste 40kr for 500g mel og vann.

Burde kanskje spesifisert at jeg bor i Oslo