Biden should get busy and get rid of trump supream court just gave the green light

Hi Don my brother was Carl beane he would tell me behind the scenes stuff .also what they did to tito was wrong

Got one just like it but 35 yrs

Just another trump non answer like his Healthcare bill infrastructure bill and all the other plans that for four years he said was coming out next week .but that didn't stop him from having two Healthcare weeks wake up America we are better than washed up lying loser.he just said he never ever said lock her up then was played about 20 tapes of him saying it his response could be ai come on we all see what he's done

Can xray shots be done on dylans ass shots

Had a 79 painted it diamond chip platinum wish I could find it or one like it

Where can I download this

My brother was Carl Beane PA announcer for Red Sox from 03 to 12 .until his sudden death at 59 .we have his rings from 04 and 07

I have watch the NHL since 1967 .I have seen bad calls before but last night's noncall and the non call head shot on Marchand are unexceceptable. Watching games in other series also has been very bad .I don't know if I can continue to watch the NHL

Why not write in prince charming makes about as much sense. If Jesus was really God's son would he pick a convicted rapist and grifter to claim he was hand picked and the second coming seriously trump is a dick God is a fairytale live by the golden rule that's all you need

Cris was friends with my brother. He invited us to come watch them doing NFL Sunday. Class act all the way RIP CRIS