Doom Goblin



Well that’s sad news. I know that’s not the way anyone hoped he would retire. Especially him. I hope he recovers enough to be around his family and actually enjoy his retirement.

The Swamp Wyzerd

Not a true wizard, just a Goblin chasing clout.

Great! I personally have found the good people on r/collapse a very stabilizing dose of reality in a world gone crazy.

No you’re generally on the money with smaller is safer, but your next questions are, Where does their water come from? (Having your own well is usually ideal unless the water table is rapidly sinking in whichever particular region you’re looking at) If it’s from a river, Can it be stolen by larger cities when they get desperate? Is there a robust culture of agriculture there? Is there a close knit community? Is that region prone to extreme heat events?

Well, first off, welcome to the club. If you’re just starting out then I can only recommend research research research. This is because in response to your question,

You should absolutely not go to Mexico Americas decline into Authoritarianism notwithstanding, Mexico is not a particularly wealthy country that already struggles with Water availability, pollution, crime and heat. In the coming years all of that will only get much much worse.

As horrible as America is becoming, it is better to be in a developed, powerful nation since they will be more able to vacuum up the planets ever diminishing resources as things wind down (or speed up, depending on your position)

The only time I would recommend fleeing the country outright is in the case of a full-blown civil war, which is frankly, increasingly likely. This is true especially if you have a dual citizenship in Mexico and speak the language etc.etc. Although even then, how a civil war would look right now in America and how it would affect your specific region is very much up in the air still. You might be so far away from battle zones that staying put is safer and more to your advantage.

All these ambiguous variables is why I recommend you research and plan, because as anyone who’s been on here a while agrees, everyone’s individual collapse will hit differently and require a different response. I hope you stick around, and check out the main sub r/collapse too. There’s a lot of very smart people on there who have done a lot of research and are good at breaking it down in a way that’s easy to get.

As for your friend, well… as most of us have learned the hard way, those who don’t want to hear it, never will. If someone doesn’t want to believe our global civilization is in rapid decline, then they’ll almost never come around to it until they come to it themselves. It’s better to enjoy their company and not try to burden others overmuch with what for some may be a very difficult truth.

You know this new regime is going to suck ass for conservatives too, right? All the conservative social reform and anti-cancel culture stuff they espouse is all just to win conservatives over to a goal that otherwise would be completely alienating to everyone. How long do you think they’ll let us keep our guns? What’ll we do when we’re sick and there’s no healthcare? What do we do when the EPA isn’t even allowed to say, “Hey, that’s Toxic. We shouldn’t let people live there” without having to go through a committee first? What are we going to do when there’s no social security? This new regime they want hides corporate oriented policy behind the mask of socially conservative reform, but that’s all window dressing. Watch the direction the money flows in the next decade. I promise you the little guy will be even more fucked than they are now.

Tell me you’re making a manhattan in Europe without telling me you’re making a manhattan in Europe. Same as me trying to make a Haggis, I’m just never going to get it 100% the way a Scot who’s eaten dozens of them would. It takes a certain familiarity with local traditions to know that Jim Beam Rye is entry level trash or that the big rock goes in the drink, and for a manhattan cube size really only influences how much the drink is watered down as it’s stirred since it’s strained anyway.

I dunno, I thought that was fun. Just don’t take it too seriously.

A lot of the left is still operating in a world where civility, rationality and discourse have any impact on the levers of power. The Supreme Court pretty much put paid to that on Monday. That world is quickly vanishing if not already gone.

The Authoritarian Right movement has literally NO problem resorting to violence if they have to. There are quite a few civilian militias who actively look forward to it, I imagine because they don’t realize how truly horrible that would be. They believe this partially because they imagine the liberal and progressive half of America is a bunch of wimps who couldn’t fight if they even wanted to and they look forward to subjugating the groups they wrongly imagine have “oppressed” them and “corrupted America” during this last half century. There are Civilian Militias in almost every state, most of them pretty far-right leaning and believing “something must be done to save America”

All this said, What is the non-violent strategy for protecting yourself, your family, your community or your way of life against criminalizing the ethnicity, identity or sexuality of you or your neighbors? I’m honestly asking. The more marginalized among us certainly can’t afford to flee to other countries, (who would even take us all in) and for many of us, losing those protections is absolutely a matter of life and death, or damn near it.

I don’t imagine any of this is unthinkable. It is happening all the time in other places in the world now, as we speak. Ideologies have been violently suppressed throughout history and they will be again. What do we do to prepare for the worst?

Honest headline: China to meet its 2030 renewable energy target by end of this year. However due to the new renewable energy sources only partially offsetting Chinas new energy requirement, overall Chinese CO2 emissions are still steadily climbing.

Weird this is Downvoted. I read the original stories and it’s “Br’er” as in Brother. Br’er fox and Br’er Bear are both characters in those stories and while those tales were originally committed to Writing by Joel Chandler Harris, a controversial white journalist and folklorist, the Br’er rabbit stories are confirmed themselves to be part of the African American Diasporic oral tradition throughout the Southern US and Caribbean with roots in the trickster Deity stories of West Central and Southern Africa, specifically the spider Trickster Anansi. The confusion about “Briar” vs “Br’er” originates from the most well-known story which involves Br’er Rabbit tricking Br’er fox into throwing him into a Briar Patch so he can escape.

Honestly I feel like Disney could have honored the Oral Tradition and its centuries long legacy, far predating its approproation by a white Journalist by reframing the stories to honor the African Diasporic tradition, rather than clumsily attempting to sweep what in the end remain culturally significant stories under the rug entirely.

Well remember a great deal of Religions have hells. Tibetan Buddhists, for example have a particularly gruesome set of Hells as outlined in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. I would love to see some of those demons on the battlefield.

Also holy SHIT I just how cool a faction made up of Tibetan Buddhist monks with all of their aesthetic based on Tibetan Buddhist art would be.

They could have a battle line across the Himalayas and fight in extreme cold at extreme high altitudes defending their Monastery Palaces.

That would be so cool.

Looks like it could be the album art to overkill or maybe From the cradle to the grave. Either way, Ironic because He’s about to be “killed by death”.

In that case it’s perfect.

Sure he does. Jill reminded him. He just doesn’t know why he’s there.

Don’t worry, if Biden won’t do it, Trump will lock up plenty of folks in 2025, and if not him, whichever mouth piece the republicans ram through in 2028 or 2032. They have time. For them, this is a multi-generational project and a lot of the new Republicans replacing the old guard are far more radical in their beliefs.

Oh gee, I wonder why. Certainly not because they have something to gain in power and wealth from being attached to the president by blood, right?

I don’t know your life, and I firmly believe in total self determination as long as it minimizes harm to others. There’s nothing wrong or evil about making a rational decision to end your own life, although I’m sure it will make some people you love very sad. That’s not a moral judgement, just a reality that might bear some consideration. On the other hand, it is a very hard thing to live entirely for the benefit of others.

That said: You talk a lot about hope and despair. I’m not religious, but the concept of attachment comes up in Buddhism a lot. Specifically, Attachment leads to suffering. I don’t believe the philosophy is referring especially to interpersonal attachment, so much as attachment as a total concept. The attachment we often suffer from most is an attachment to hope, a better life, comfort, pleasure, etc. We are attached to these ideals of how we should feel or how life should be, and so when it inevitably falls short of that, we suffer for its absence.

But, what if we didn’t expect those things, or anything for that matter? What if we just said, I may suffer sometimes, I may feel sad sometimes, and other times I may be happy. Both my happiness and my pain will come and go like weather and since I expect neither and am disappointed by neither, I accept all of it and thus can entirely inhabit the present moment of enjoying a nice meal, or a pleasant day, or how connected we are to our bodies when we feel pain, or when we realize how much we love something only in the agony of losing that thing, of how much all of these things, bit by bit, change us and make us new even as we become old.

Our little flashes of consciousness are so full of unique moments of beauty and ugliness, peace and terror, joy and grief, that it’s all too easy to get lost in then and overwhelmed, but maybe just the experience of letting them wash over and around you may be enough to enjoy the journey, no matter how dark it can be.

In the end what you decide is your own choice, as it should be, but If it were entirely up to me (some random weirdo on the internet), if you lived or died, I would tell you to live, and that even at its worst it’s worth fighting through for at least a little while. I hope you feel better.

Artillery Witches are so badass.

Doom Goblin

Shhh how is OP going to shill bitcoin to suckers with rational explanations like that?