Hes a personal and family friend so yea

Pet insurance is usually a scam, and especially with cats. After the initial visits to the vet you barely ever if at all will need to take them in. I had a cat live to be 19 and after he was neutered and had his shots idk if we ever took him to the vet again

It doesnt really become torture porn until the 3rd one. The 2nd one starts to do it a little bit but not like the 3rd one and beyond

The one with Gyllenhaal and Reynolds? Yea I liked that one

There is some interactive stuff that kids might enjoy yes but alot of the displays are just pieces of memorabilia with little blurbs that you have to read

The Purge movies. The concept is cool but the first movie becomes a standard home invasion movie. And the sequels all become slasher-ish its all focused too much around murdering when there is so much they could explore with ALL CRIME being legal

Theyre so bad up north even the Moose flee the forest lol

Oh damn that looks like the complete opposite of the one im talking about lol, the one I mentioned is more in line with Journey and Flower, looks like a relaxing af game

When I was a noob in Runescape some random dude took me on a tour all through the map and explained to me what all different skills I could train in all the areas and then gave me a bunch of money (couple thousand iirc) and a set of mithril and Addy armour for when I was a high enough level to equip it. Idk why he was so nice to me but ill always remember him lol

Me and my brother used to try and create the ugliest characters we could and we’d laugh for hours doing it lol