Pretty sure only for dating and not Mariage, like reality

Als 500 meter al te ver is dan is het toch wel heel triest. Of je moet iets van twee tassen boodschappen hebben of zo die allebij zwaar zijn.

I wouldn't call it a lot, the game can't properly multithread or use more then 4gb of ram anyway so the launcher using some ram out of your probably 16gb or more these days is trivial.

Every time the collection ends up in the sales by accident and becomes 70 or so euros for every dlc, EA usually quickly pulls it out within a day. By the time steamdb sees it it's to late

Nah, even with the standard 6 lots or less James turner's has stuff break beyond saving.

It's not, but it can appear like that because many more people speak English then just the UK and the US

I'm Dutch, but I can see why a largely English speaking community site largely atracts native English speakers. Also most of the world can read English, and US politics are so far reaching that if they mess something within their borders, the rest of the world sometimes feels the results as well.

They used to, that's why there was a seperate package in the smooth patch before 2.1. It would break the master controller version of CAS. But these days it just doesn't work in Mc cas

The collection is on a permanent 50% sale, very rarely it goes into site wide sale for less then a day to 87% but EA quickly pull it out of it

Inzoi is all looks no substance, no thank you

Publishers prefer to no leave black marks on their history behind. It's why EA purges forums every so often to make sure a lot of stuff is lost

Het is voor mij 12 jaar geleden dus lastig te herinneren, maar volgens mij waren de slechtste opmerkingen van mijn instructeur meer beperkt tot  een bot "maakt niet uit of dat er een mooi grietje over straat loopt, op blijven letten"

What? You think 9 woman can't make 1 baby in 1 month?

Het stuk den Bosch Eindhoven heeft nagenoeg nooit camera's in the spits, de gemiddelde snelheid is daar vrij dicht tegen de 120

Yes, that's normal. Also in europe. Toilets aren't free to maintain

I wouldn't call a restaurant a public toilet in the sense of truly public toilet blocks. And no, even in Europe threes not toilets everywhere and restaurants are very much not a fan of you just walking in to use the toilet and then leaving.

Dude what? That's not normal you know that right?

When you're visiting with a rich non Japanese salary, everything look cheap.

Calling him the brother of a arguably lesser known writer (if you don't read Johns specific niche of books, why know him) is doing him a disservice. Better to mention that he is the cocreator of crach course and scishow and a handful of others. Hank is very well known within schools

When your nation is half a fuckin continent and largely very sparsely enhabited it's pretty easy to preserve it. China also has a billion people, doesn't mean there's no state parks.

Yep, not continuesly but every so often when I don't play 3. Completely stopped playing 4 tho