Not even the guy mlstreated Bill the pony?

Well netflix wasnt that acceptable of onscreen lesbian couples, so they were relegated to the background. So netflic executives wouldnt demand them dying.

As the show went on, netflix started being more accepting and so they were allowed to be part of the show.

The deal was made right after World War II. Due to the major players being children of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades,

Nico, Bianca, and Hazel were all born before World War II. So Hades has every right to be angry, especially when Zeus tries to assassinate them.

Happy gonna smoke Misfortune. There is no way, they can burn Happy, harder than Carla does.

Also love Ignia made himself a cat, because he heard Natsu had one. Like an even more insecure early-Gajeel.

Gray Dance Off

Gives the female audience some fanservice. Equality should be universal. If we guys get Mirajane and Jenny's Model Off, Gray's dance-off is a fair trade-off.

Also, the dance choreography, animation and music is really good.


His methods are horrible and are always a detriment to the guild. While he came around during Tenrou and delayed Etherion. He was the reason, the counsel was even there.

He also brainwashed Brandish so she would murder August (a grandfather figure to her), thereby almost getting Lucy, Natsu, and Happy killed.

Then there is also the weird way he sometimes looks at Wendy and blushes, which can be interpreted rather negatively.

I'm going to be honest, when I think about Sugou's voice, I think of Kaiserneko/Scott Frerichs from Team4star.

Due to SAO Abridged, it's the only version I've heard in years.

Well spring is often associate with rebirth, life, youth, transformation and light.

So the spring goddess/god(cant remember if the other siblings genders were ever revealed). Would most likely be one or more of those domain.

The moment before, when Luz just gave him the stare. no more pity, just letting him die to his own actions.

I always felt that was a better ending for Belos: not dying at the hands of those he looked down on, but dying due to his own hatred, being looked down on by a witch. The thing he hated most.

We learn in Dragon Ball Super that it's a multiversal sign of bad sportsmanship to attack during a transformation.

Horde Prime may be a totalitarian cult leader, but the guy has manners.

Azula, not so much.

Well, Yang can get therapi, thanks to our universal healthcare. So she might get back upon her bike faster, then get a ticket for underage driving. Its 18 in Denmark.

Yeah, a friend of mine decided to try out a new deck: Urza, Lord High Artificer with every stax artifact he could find. Add a ton of counterspells, and you've got a game-dragging deck.

He started really well with mana rocks and Winter Orb. So he quickly got Urza on the field, and then came the counterspells.

But the real problem wasn't the stax or him turning his artifacts indestructible. No, the problem was that he cleared our board yet refused to attack with any of his 16/16 artifact creatures, despite us having no board presence.

I literally pointed out to him that if he had attacked me at any point, I would have been dead.

His "excuse" was a remark about crackback (none of us had more than one creature), and he wanted to kill us on the same turn.

That's when I scooped in order to prep dinner, which finally made him take the others out since a one-turn victory was now impossible.

I seem to have misremembered. As i forgot him talking to darth sidious. But a quick googling, say he had a whole 33 words in two line of dialogue. Perform by someone else, instead of the actor playing Maul. My apoligies.

Maul never had a single spoken line, only in a cut scene, does he speak.

Jo, det var det, vi endte med at gøre. Men maskindele kan nemt blive beskadiget, og de koster en bondegård.

Derfor er det bedst at overlade det til firmaer, som er forsikrede.

For mange år siden, da jeg kom hjem fra skole på en dejlig sommerdag, fandt jeg en massiv kasse fra PostNord (dengang PostDanmark) stående midt på vores gårdsplads. Jeg kiggede lidt og kunne se, at kassen var til vores nabogård (2-300 meters afstand fra os). Kassen vejede ifølge sedlen derpå omkring 80 kilo, så det var ikke noget, man bare kunne smutte over med.

Så jeg satte mig i skyggen med en kølig sodavand og ringede til deres kundeservice. Det tog næsten en time at komme igennem, og kun 2 minutter, før de forstod problemet.

De lovede at hurtigt løse problemet, men jeg venter dog stadig.

Hunter x hunter, cowboy bebob, evangelion and maybe Jujutsu kaisen are all animes, that you could argue is better.

Toxtricity would also fit with Orga, as he is into rock & roll, and it is an electric type as well.

Maybe also Thundurus, since he is a lightning god slayer.

The spell requires an area of 10f cube, of the element, that you are conjureing an elemental from. It sorta works like a portal, that the elemental is conjured through.

Don't crocodiles originate from Africa?


Except you didn't look past my spelling, which I double-checked and found to be correct. You called it out, and you didn't just correct me for getting the name wrong; you strongly implied that it was due to sheer laziness.

Now, I will say goodbye. I hope you think over what I said. But even if you choose not to, I hope you have a good evening.

No, it's not. But depending on the manner and tone, it very well could be.

Like if you had just said: "You misremembered his name; it is actually Alex Hirsch." Nothing wrong with that.

Implying either I am lazy or can't spell. Or both, as you did. That does come off as you being either a jerk. Or just as likely, tired from your day and so a bit more aggressive and negative in your response than you might have intended.

Well, I did misremember the name of the creator of a show that I haven't watched in years. Simple mistake. There might be some spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. English is not my first language, and I graduated a while ago.

You acting like a jerk is a deliberate choice. Any reason for this choice? Did my small mistakes really necessitate you getting angry?


Alan Hirch did this with the Gravity Falls books. He hid a secret code inside, which leads to a specific location where something stands for the biggest fans to find.

Edit: I got the name wrong; it's Alex Hirsch.