Reaching water bottles

Can you actually reach your water bottle without taking your pack off? The pack (kakwa 40) is so skinny, I have to reach behind my back and I guess I am not flexible enough. I can do it after some struggle, but I might as well unbuckle the belt and swing it to the side. I am curious if other people can or if there is some sort of trick.

You are probably right. I may get one of it comes up used for a good price, but still hang when size/bulk really matters. Thanks!

See my comment above. If you want to wear it high, then probably small. But I think the pack is designed to be worn lower. If you wear it low, you can still wear it on your hips.

I ended up reaching out to Durston Gear and they gave me some good fitting advice. I usually wear the belt high, almost on my waist. I tried to wear it with the belt lower on my hips (actually where it is supposed to be, right on the iliac crest) and it was comfortable and felt the right size, and the curve of the frame fitted right. I think if I had small, I would wear it higher, which may be not be great if it is filled to the top. I think if you prefer to wear it higher and/or have sloping shoulders, so that your shoulders are below the C7 vertebrae, you may want to go with S, otherwise M should be fine. The distance from the middle of the belt to the strap attachment is 16.5" on the medium and 14.5 on small, so you can measure where the straps would end up on you. I do like the extra 3 liters! I wore it with about 20lbs in it pretty carelessly packed and it was comfortable, so I am keeping the medium.

The distance is 3" exactly on kakwa 40. You are right, the range in on kakwa 55 is also 3", just the whole range is higher, so I fit more in S than in M. For some reason, I assumed that the distance is longer on 55 but I may be wrong. I am not sure if dan's comment was referring to 40 or 55 or both.

It is tempting, but I don't want a bear to chew on it, even if it does not get to the food! And every time I am about to spend the $$ I read the reviews on REI website and don't. Both mouse and bear break-ins. I know that nothing is perfect, but this one is also pricey.

That’s what I was thinking, thanks!

1) after I watched (from my shelter) a bear trying to get my bag, giving up and walking away I beg to disagree.

2) obviously, I carry a bear can where required. 

Ultralight Bear BagQuestion

If you hang your food in a food bag, what bag and what type of cord do you use? My current dry bag/cord combo is too bulky, but I don't feel like an expensive dyneema bag is necessary, but I am curious what people use. I know that some of you use other methods, but I am interested to hear from those who hang their food bag.

I read Dan Durston’s post somewhere that the bottom of each recommended range is the distance from the middle of the belt to the attachment of the shoulder straps and top is the distance to the load lifters. It looks like the load lifters are a bit higher for each of the sizes on 55. 

The thing with kakwa design is that the distance between the harness attachment point and the load lifters is only 3” (much shorter than on Gregory packs, for example). So it either wraps around your shoulders or makes a 45 degree angle and can’t possibly do both. Ideally, I would get kakwa 55 in small, it has a longer distance between the harness and load lifters. As it is now, it feels great if I want the weight off my shoulders, I can’t really put more weight on my shoulders w/o putting the belt too low.

I went off of this advice from Dan Durston where he recommends sizing up if you fit both size ranges. but  I think my problem is that I tend to wear the belt above rather than below the iliac crest so may need to downsize. Bummer that I’ll loose 3L. This one seems ideal size.

I had someone measure me, but not professionally (I guess a trip to REI is in order) I keep getting slightly different measurements depending on how straight I stand and if the tape follows the curve of my back. But it is always in 17 to 17.5 range. 

Kakwa 40 sizing advice

I just got a Kakwa 40 from Kaviso and have doubts about the size, so I would appreciate any advice. I believe my torso is 17.5, so I got a medium. I am 5’3”, so I expected to measure small, but no matter how I measure it is definitely at least 17. I filled the pack with stuff and tried it on. The way it is, my shoulders are exactly level with where the harness is attached, so it does not wrap around my shoulders at all. It doesn’t feel uncomfortable, but I am worried it will on a longer hike. Does it look that it is too big and that a small would be a better fit? Thanks!

Wore jeans! It rained the whole time, but I still had a blast.

The problem with altitude sickness is that initial symptoms may be quickly followed by confusion, when people stop making rational decisions. Your plan for acclimating sounds good. I would advise AGAINST ibuprofen or any painkiller so that you watch out for headaches carefully and not try to blunt it with meds. I agree that headache and nausea should be considered a sign to turn around.

I often make fires (when and where permitted) and never carry a wood or a saw. I can always find enough dry wood that is already on the ground and could be broken down into small enough pieces for hours of fire. I small lightweight grid is convenient if you plan to cook on the fire, but you can also cook directly on coals. The firestarters can be super light and small. I personally prefer cooking on a stove and keep a fire for warmth, light, and ambiance only, because the cook pots get all sooty.

What do you mean by “if you win and the money is not in their account”? I was wondering if one person hacked into another person’s PayPal  account, will take the money and that second person will be liable for the refund. I really feel like there is 0% chance it’s a real person. The name matches a fb page of a young woman in Georgia and the sellers profile has pictures of wv firefighters without a single comment or personal info.

Need advice for dealing with a scamHelp

I think I just got scammed by a person from a buy and sell fb page. There were several red flags that for some reason I noticed the moment after I sent the payment. The red flags are that the fb account seems fake and the name does not match the name on PayPal. I used goods and services, so I can probably get a refund. I am not sure if I should alert PayPal right away or confirm my suspicions first. I am afraid that if I ask questions, the person will close the account and get away with the money. What should I do?

Do you not bring a phone and/or gps?

Last year was unusually warm at high elevations in the NE, so the liner may work or not depending on the forecast.

Agree with previous speakers about duplication in rain gear and shelter. Disagree about notebook- if you like journaling, go for it! 

Did not see fuel canister (3oz empty), head bug net and bug spray, 

There is no safety guarantee when it comes to lightning storms. As I have been taught in WFR training, lightning can travel down an open slope, down creek beds etc. Also, if it is a major storm, it is likely to come with intense rain, wind, and/or hail. I would definitely keep hiking if I hear the thunder, but it is not directly above my head (as determined by time between sound and light) but hunker down and get off the ground if it is right above me.