Has Noom helped my hangovers?

Hi I'm 37 (F) and as I get older hangovers have been getting so much worse. However since starting Noom I have felt that I haven't really had a hangover. I havent been drinking any less when I go out but Im definitely waking up feeling great the next morning! Maybe it's down to eating better and more balance meals throughout the week? Has anyone experience this?

Cliff Jumping

Hi, I (35F) went coasteering today and jumped off a high cliff (not sure how high but I felt like I was falling forever!) Anyway, my jump was terrible and instead of doing a pencil jump I ended up staring at the water and doing a weird belly flop. I was totally winded and there was instant pain in my chest. 3 hours later my pain is much worse. It has travelled mostly to my left sid - my chest, shoulder, my upper back and down lefy my arm. Also some pain in my right rib. I'm not sure what the pain is exactly and how to treat it. Has anyone any suggestions? It's a bank holiday here and 8pm so no doctors.

Cliff Jumping

Hi, I (35F) went coasteering today and jumped off a high cliff (not sure how high but I felt like I was falling forever!) Anyway, my jump was terrible and instead of doing a pencil jump I ended up staring at the water and doing a weird belly flop. I was totally winded and there was instant pain in my chest. 3 hours later my pain is much worse. It has travelled mostly to my left sid - my chest, shoulder, my upper back and down lefy my arm. Also some pain in my right rib. I'm not sure what the pain is exactly and how to treat it. Has anyone any suggestions? It's a bank holiday here and 8pm so no doctors.

Dj wanted for 60th birthday party in Galway City

Hi, I'm looking for a Dj to play at a 60th birthday party end of May. Must play 80s, 90s and a bit of Wolfetones! Any suggestions welcome!

I'm sorry to say this but I truly wouldn't be holding out for a home offer anytime soon. I am on the housing list for 14 years and I'm currently living in homeless accommodation with my child for the last 2 months. My landlord is selling the house I have lived in for 10 years. I tried to find alternative accommodation but I could not even secure a viewing for a house, not one. It's a horrific situation to be in and I'd like to point out that I am an educated, full time working professional contrary to what other posters may feel about people on the housing list.

I know the guy that was attacked. He was unconscious when brought to Beaumont but woke up yesterday afternoon. He has a bleed to the brain, a broken skull, and a broken elbow. He might never recover. He is a father of 4. Absolute scumbags.

She is certainly not a terrible person. Just not fit for the job.

She's always like that though!! She was the exact same way the last reunion, and the ones before. She's always been over the top. She's so unprofessional into the way she interviews. It's like she's having her chats with her bff!

Liberty Cap Picking Season in Ireland 2022General Question

I have decided to take shrooms for the first time! I wanna do it this weekend but before I go on the hunt through cattle feilds up the country I wanted to know if its a bit too early?