Navigating Budgets: Is Anyone Willing to Share Their Wedding Budget Stories 💍👀 ?Budget Question

Hi wedding planners! I'm stepping into the maze of wedding planning & am facing the big, unavoidable topic: BUDGETS. I'm curious to hear real examples to gauge everything from the most modest DIY weddings to the most grandiose lavish weddings & everything else in between. That being said, what was your budget like? I know this can be a delicate topic to discuss, just hoping to break the ice a little and share insight that'll hopefully help others throughout their wedding planning journeys.

EDIT: I realize this post may be slightly repetitive, but times change quickly and I think it’s good to have continuously updated input especially on a topic that many consider a taboo conversation and are not willing to discuss. Thank you everyone who’s provided feedback!!

He is so beautiful!! Thank you so much for giving him a home. He seems to be some sort of Shizu or Maltese mix, I’ve seen a Tibetan Terrier that looks very similar though too!!

She’s definitely very big for a Pomeranian, she’s currently 10.5 weeks and 4.5 lbs.! Really appreciate the info, thanks so much 😊

yes! Her tail is starting to lay on her back, I had no idea that was a spitz quality! Thanks so much for the insight.

Unique Looking Pomeranian Puppy: Seeking Breed Insights from Pom Lovers

Hi r/Pomeranians community!

I've recently adopted this adorable 10-week-old female puppy (links to photos below). While I believe she's a Pomeranian, her unique looks have me curious. She differs from standard Pomeranians in her coat pattern, color, and overall appearance.

I'm reaching out to this amazing community for insights. Has anyone seen a Pom like her, or have any ideas about her breed? Could this just be a normal variation within Pomeranians?

Your thoughts and experiences would be greatly appreciated! I've attached pictures showing her distinct features.

Looking forward to your responses and thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge!



i replayed this like 5x when she said it 😭😭 pure gold

Unpopular Opinion: Karen is the Unsung Hero of 'The Family Chantel'

This seems to be somewhat of an unpopular opinion but Karen, Chantel's mom, is an absolute icon. Here's a list of some of her more legendary moments that prove she's a national treasure:

  1. "I'm Every Woman. It's All In Me." - Karen quoting Chaka Khan in the Dominican Republic​​.
  2. "You must think my daughter is like a store, but guess what: Nothing's for sale." - During a heated exchange with Pedro​​.
  3. "Everybody, meet Shocky." - Karen and her 'tactical flashlight'.
  4. "There's going to be a Thrilla in Manila." - Commenting on potential family drama in the Philippines​​.
  5. "Things are about to get a lot more stupider." - Karen's famous grammatical gaffe​​.
  6. "It's about to be steppin' time." - Referencing Mary Poppins.
  7. "Harvest the American dollar." - A unique take on Pedro's family.
  8. "Blinded by love or science..." - On Royal's relationship with Angenette​​.
  9. "Who thinks like a bottom feeder? Just wait a d*mn minute" -Karen defends her family's shrimp eating habits in response to Jah calling the family "bottom feeders" for eating shrimp​​.
  10. "It Helps Me to Stay Focused on My Enemies". - Karen on why she practices Naihanchi Shodan.

She's a vibe. Her unapologetic personality and fashion choices are the icing on the cake. Also, the fact that no one in Chantel's family ever questions her actions 😂. Karen is a whole MOOD and deserves more credit for being the heart and soul of the show, I love her lol.





iRobot Roomba Combo j9+ Self-Emptying & Auto-Fill Robot Vacuum & Mop, iOS 17.1

She might be experiencing what's known as 'filler fatigue.' This can happen when too much filler is injected into the face over time, causing the skin to stretch & the fillers to migrate, resulting in an unnatural or strange appearance. It's a common risk associated with excessive cosmetic procedures & can often be a wake-up call for people to give their skin a break and let it recover but sometimes people don’t know when to stop..

The house is only about four years old. I first noticed the cracks approximately a year ago, and they've been gradually getting worse since then.