The xros loader, just imagine having multiple digimons and being able to fuse them as you want in any combination.

As someone who has tried multiple times to code simple games but failed, coding games makes you want to destroy your device. I had a code that worked well, I added some code that didn't give me the expected results so I deleted this extra, the exact same code I had before didn't work. They were 2 different scenes btw, so it is more annoying that it stopped working.

Don't forget to dedigivolve to increase ABI. You need ABI to go to mega.

LoL didn't notice it said mobs

I agree, she repaired the express, if it wasn't repaired there wouldn't be any trailblazing.

No, z is used as a horizontal axis, y is always vertical

Then learn C++, but it might be hard to learn

Depends on your project, if you just want a website then python is enough. If you want to make games then c# for unity or c++ for unreal engine, python can also be used for Godot engine.

Itto, the dumb tends to win long mental battles, because they weren't thinking

Ah yes, referenced from Dani's subreddit, another boner found.

Let's just pretend I didn't understand it as a reference to a certain Austrian who wanted to become a painter

I think the instructions are clear

Yeah that COVID hit like a truck

It's still the beginning of the year, he didn't have time to become 14💀

Is this some kind of bad joke that I don't get?