When did he say this, show a clip

Right, because I asked for a legitimate response and like none of you were able to provide it

You all call Myron “mute” when he’s in a corner

Now I’m asking you guys what is your excuse for the past IRL streams? Where he’s pulling everyday women off the street, and they say the same shit the whores on fnf say

Common Sense Pill Man

Regardless of what study you pick, women can say way more uncomfortable truths than men, without repercussions

That’s what I’m saying

I’m in university and the women I deal with on campus are even dumber than the ones in the podcast

I didn’t say that, I said a woman should prioritize finding a man

Most women in America focus on career solely, and just use men for sex

I see your perspective , but at the same time

Reality reflects what they are saying

Divorce rates are up the roof and men are sexless virgins, and women’s happiness is going down

I am currently attending university, and the women in my university are just as stupid or even more stupider than the women on that show

Even if you don’t watch the podcast, your more likely to encounter women who think the same way from the podcast

Well according to the haters, they only bring on “304s”

They are regular women who are living regular lives, with the same mindset as a common Miami 304

A woman should prioritize creating a family , then the career comes after

You don’t understand lol.

Your faulting a child for being a liberal, when that’s all he’s around

What? Who is debating women? The debate is just showing how she thinks

Way to grasp for straws

I don’t talk about women all day

Its just that you think you have the right to critique someone who’s doing better than you

Your attempt to make me look deranged and crazy isn’t working

Is this what you do when you run out of excuses

It’s been said here many times. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be making this post

It’s not about finding a woman

It’s about how you always have a loser excuse to everything fnf does

What’s so special about Miami that disqualifies it??

He interviewed regular girls you would see in any other city? lol

They can interview girls in New York and you’ll say the same excuse

You guys have a excuse for everything like losers

The last woman was a lawyer, who is going to law school

What is your excuse?

Now you are trying to target my personal life? You have no argument to counter, so you end up targeting my personal life

lol when fnf proves yall wrong, you guys turn to mutes

Common Sense Pill Man

I disagree, women are very dishonest with each other

Male friendships last longer

We can go to any social media comment of a fat chick, and watch women lie like no tomorrow to that girl

I never said that

I said your main complaint is that fresh n fit only brings bimbos from Miami and not regular girls

Yet they are doing street interviews with regular chicks that are saying the same stupid shit as the Miami bimbos

No, my point is very clear and concise.

You are just choosing to play dumb because you don’t have a cop out for this

Sure , if it was only in Miami, then the podcast would only be popular in Miami

But whatever helps you cope at night

Reading comprehension, I guess you failed that in school

I guess it’s time to play dumb

Your biggest complaint is that “Myron only brings low quality women on the show”

Yet he does a IRL stream and the girls say the same thing

Common Sense Pill Man

A woman’s opinions are accepted a lot more by society

Women can openly say uncomfortable truths about women and not get cancelled for it

Common Sense Pill Man

It’s funny because I have sex. Go check my post history before you talk.

My body count is in the double digits

It’s only chronically online people who make post like this

If u actually stepped outside, nobody is acting like a scientist