My neighbour does this too. I think he doesn't even own a shovel it's insane. Anytime there's a light dusting of snow he's out there at 7am with his fucking leaf blower for an hour. I don't know what he's doing that takes so long.

I can't believe how delusional this is. "Anybody that doesn't want Joe on the ticket only wants Trump in the White House"


I want a competent, coherent leader in charge. If this was Joe Biden we had back as VP then there would be zero to complain about. But he is definitely too old now.

I am absolutely not lying. Trump is a piece of shit and I would never vote for a conservative anyway. I'm glad I get to be in Canada and avoid most of this bullshit.

Come on though, Biden looked awful. You're allowed to criticize your own team you know. This debate went really bad.

I am 100% on the side of the democrats but Biden looked horrible in that debate. He wasn't just "stuttering that one time" he was less coherent than my 90 year old grandmother after sundown. And I wouldn't trust her to run a small company, let alone the entire country.

You can't even do the movement correctly with a PVC pipe. It's way too light. Too easy to throw around and not use good technique.

You're missing out on a lot of great improvments. The content aware updates are nothing short of life changing for a professional.

I personally hate that anybody would have to pay any amount of money to these retards.

Lol he was like 500lbs. If anyone says he died for any other reason they are nuts.

Yeah the PS1 has something like 10,000 games released for it. Jeff wouldn't be able to even make a dent.

Yeah coming from the Canada side it's the first thing I notice when we visit the states. Not only are people just fatter overall, but the heaviest people are also like extreme outliers. The fattest person I've ever met in Canada would be a weekly occurance in the USA.

When people ask for a source they are almost always asking for a primary source. Not a secondary one.

You know most people don't make minimum wage right? The median salary in the USA is $64,000. The vast majority of people make more than minimum wage. And yes, those wages have gone up a lot in the passed few years. That contributes to inflation.

The game isn't going to be out for a long time yet. You have no idea if it's going to end up making good on this demo.

Robbing people by force is in no way close to how most people get wealthy.

Th writing itself it's very saturday morning cartoon though. Most of the episodes can be summed up with Cyclops yelling at Wolverine to work as a team and wolverine then saying no way bub and getting flattened before they then learn to work as a team.

My experience was a lot of racist comments, people blasting unintelligible music through the crappy xbox mic and also some really great people.

I think you guys were really young or something. Because I was there day 1 for halo 2, call of duty 2, CodMW etc. It was all screeming and n-words even back then.

That was a direct to VHS and DVD series you could order off the internet. Definitely not on TV lol it was horrific.

Goes back even further than that. Battlefield 3 was a disaster at launch. Leaderboards didn't work, tons of glitches, the chat was giant and in like the middle of the screen. Had to join servers using your web browser. It was horrible. If I remember BF2 was also rough at launch though I only got into that one after the first expansion where it was running great.

Working in an office is way more efficient overall. Quality of life is better at home no doubt. But it's so easy to just slack off and do nothing.

You think there's a lot of Congalese devs at Rockstar right now? Or do you just want to bitch?

Lol for real. Chronically online people are so dramatic. You'd think Rockstar was telling everyone they needed to live and work in siberia or something.


You have what every other normal employee has had for the last 80 years. This isn't crazy. Lots of industries couldn't work from home and all of those people are living their lives like normal.