If the only numbers you choose to accept are decimals that eventually terminate, then yes, you cannot express the result of 10 divided by 3. That's why we use more numbers

I can divide 10 by 3. It's ten thirds


You know, I read into the problem that f needed to be a bijection, despite that being said nowhere in the question

Edit: Ugh this actual number is gonna be way more annoying to count, unless there's a trick I don't see. I'm on my phone so these numbers might be wrong, but with

Light is not the fastest.moving thing in the universe. Chuck Norris is

You're gonna hate this, but...

May I ask what general field the master's is in? (Math, science, humanities, etc.?) I'm always interested in finding out what higher education people are pursuing. If that's too much, feel free not to answer!

Here's a fun one!

lists my homework

Tell me you didn't click the link without telling me you didn't click the link. (Spoilers: )

It just contains precisely the prime factors of 1

You've never used Crunchy's Inequality before?

Ah, you're right, the question asked for the complement

siLvagunner uploaded actual video game music, but then got banned. They made a second channel called giLvasunner to do the same thing. Then parody channel giivasunner was created. It eventually got banned for impersonating giLvasunner (despite giLvasunner explicitly saying they were okay with it!), and then they made a second channel siivagunner, which is safe since it's impersonating a banned channel

What do you mean? It's false, and I can prove it.

Proof: I am proving this is false right now. Ergo, somebody can prove whether it's true or false, and so the statement is false

Alright cuz I was gonna say, 4*1*6*9=216 so I had no clue where you were getting 144 from

216 divides x, and 216 divides f(x) (since it divides each term when you distribute out the product). Which of those two do you not agree with?