Hello from Tacoma, WA, where it took 22 years to complete the project.

I’m surprised they didn’t include the popular yet understated “Leftover burrito”

Step 1. Grab a large tortilla

Step 2. Put any leftovers in it (recently did this with curry and 10/10 recommend, have also done with spaghetti.. because reasons)

Step 3. Consume

Optional step 4. Repeat

100% this movie is the pinnacle of a “Popcorn flick”. It never takes itself too seriously, it’s definitely cheesy, plenty of fun action. I’m here for a mindless sequel.

Anytime I hear a ‘Wilhelm Scream’. Its just timeless and always used appropriately

I proposed to my now wife at the park halfway through our trip 2 years ago. I remember so clearly the next day we were in the tiki room cooling off, Dole whip in hand, and almost the whole time I was staring at her hand thinking to myself “hot damn I did it”. I don’t think I heard a single song the whole time, just in the moment enjoying my future.

Was willing to have uncomfortable conversations with the team in a very thoughtful way. On the flip side he has very uncomfortable conversations upwards on behalf of the team as he was a huge advocate for his people.

Craft beer BOOMED in the early 2010’s. I worked for a brewery for 10 years that was seeing double digit growth year over year, once the pandemic hit sales slid and worsened with the next generation of drinkers (or non-drinkers rather).

I got out of the industry in 2022 but still get news often, beer as a whole is still in a pretty wild free fall. There are some succeeding but for the most part it seems everyone on that side is doing “ok” at best.

Since primarily my wife and I play games with eachother I’m really excited for KELP

Lately it’s been an NA Jungle Bird for during the week. Scratches the itch and tastes amazing.

On the weekends it’s usually a Negroni tbh

Was in the queue for an hour and slowly watched all of the races sell out before I ever got in. It was my first time trying to sign up for the marathon! Guess next year I know to have all devices up and ready.

We play a majority of those, in addition we play:

  • 7-wonders duel (our favorite game in our collection)

  • Just started Pandemic Legacy Season 1

  • Splendor Duel

  • Spirit Island

  • Forbidden Island

  • Hive

  • Targi (totally recommend if you haven’t played)

  • Radlands

  • General Orders WWII

Pandemic Legacy Season 1… I already endured this 3-4 years ago (Jesus how has it been that long?) I’d rather not do it again.

I think that’s mostly a fair assessment, and you’re right it really is only about the eggs at the end which feels pretty meh. I have wyrmspan sitting on my shelf waiting to be played, curious to see if that’s adjusted in it.

I love engine builders but always feel like this! It’s always like “aww man, I was just beginning to get a boat load of X, Y, & Z”

I will say some cards in wingspan scratch that itch for me. Gimme dem eggs all day long.

Added Pandemic Legacy season 1 (excited to finally get that going) and The Night Cage (on sale at our FLGS)

Out this month: probably the night cage 😅

Of the IP’s in here, are there any recommended for 2 player? I recognize quite a few but my understanding is they, for the most part, are best at 3+ players

Ummmm no?! That sounds wacky as heck! I’m in.

Ohhh what specifically about it do you like?