There are no blind spots if you use your eyes as intended.

Not long. Nearly every season showcased why Ted and Robin were incompatible. Ted’s highly codependent and places his personal value within the relationships he’s in. Robin is almost entirely opposite - she values her independence and ambitions.

The ending came across as somewhat tragic in my eyes. Robin has consistently shown that she seeks growth while Ted wants complacency. No judgement on either side, they truly work as friends and poor Ted can’t see it.

I’d love to know too, there are so many idiots on the road and all you can see through the tint of their window is their cell phone screen.

Nobody who is willing to cheat is somebody you can trust in any capacity.

Most rational pickup driver

If some rich folks wanna buy it, I’ll pitch in for the renovation efforts

Enjoy all of your hobbies to the fullest, eventually you’ll find a like-minded partner. Clubs and apps aren’t the best for serious relationship material

Oh damn you’re right, I went through a string of Japanese horror movies in my teens and they’re sort’ve molded together in my shoddy memory

The meowing kid does give it big points in the comedy department

Tusker House in Animal Kingdom. Amazing buffet

That’s literally all I’ve seen from this group, makes no sense

Grew up in MR and watched it become pretty bad. Used to walk to elementary and high school - I’d likely want a child of my own to avoid that with how spread out the drug problem has become. It used to be that you’d just avoid 224th and feel safe.

Having worked with financial advisors they’ve taught me not to expect ethical treatment from any financial institution.

I’ve had a building manager bitch at me about having a window AC overhanging my balcony and it came about to nothing. I invited him to come stare at it all he wants while he said it “ruins the aesthetic of the building”. Laugh it off

Anybody here familiar with “The Downloaded” on Audible? 😬

I think it serves the world better with them both being adults. Not only does it create stakes (as killing teenagers in media is a big no no) but it elevates the lunacy. Casey is a grown man playing Batman and April is doing her very best to elevate her career while secretly hanging out with mutated turtles.

Tron was a bad Tinder date. You show up at the agreed upon time, actually start it an hour later and it’s over in 30 seconds.

If you’re paying nearly every cent you earn on survival, travel isn’t really an option.

It’s like a Bethesda game fused with one of my Cold-sweat night terrors.