Older Than Dirt

We're the smallest generation because birth control got legalized in 1965.

Do y'all remember, before they named us Gen X and before they called us slackers, they initially called us the Baby Busters because birth control broke the Baby Boom?

This is why I think there will never be a one-time quick-fix total cure for obesity. It's not our lack of will power, it's coded in our DNA!

I looked in my fridge the other day and realized between the insulin and Mounjaro, it was more cash value than my car.

This has been more like my experience. I still get very hungry on days 6 and 7, and I could binge eat most days regardless.

The MJ helps but I have to hold myself accountable.

I was on Mounjaro, Farxiga, Metformin, and insulin. I was able to get off insulin recently, but am still taking the others, for now!

Call Eli Lilly. I had a malfunction and they gave me a replacement after they asked me a bunch of questions to make sure I wasn't lying and it wasn't my own fault.

They'll send a voucher code to your pharmacy and as long as you have refills available they'll comp the price!

Older Than Dirt

I always liked When You Close Your Eyes too.

I've always been a little skeptical about this.

I didn't have to because my A1C was over 14 😩

Older Than Dirt

This election is pretty much just Fascism vs Not Fascism. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Older Than Dirt

Not the Beatles in particular but other stuff my mom loved, definitely.

She was obsessed with those weird ass 50s "love" songs about young girls dying in train wrecks and shit.

I'd vote for Sasquatch before I'd vote for Ted Cruz.

Yes I kept waiting for Biden to refute that bullshit but he hesitated and sidestepped it. πŸ˜”

11th District (Midland, Odessa, San Angelo)

He was quite the character. I remember when he ran.

That's no joke! I already saw an article where Walmart was paying attention to data trends showing that people who picked up a prescription for MJ or Ozempic are buying less food. I assume they're concerned about lost revenue. πŸ™„

Older Than Dirt

My friend, 56, went vegan and it helped with SO much but his cholesterol was just a DNA thing and he couldn't eat healthy enough to beat it. So plant based diet plus the statin medication has kept him healthy as a horse.

Older Than Dirt

Same. Can't even force myself to hear his voice.

I think within 10-15 years when these meds become, generic, more available, pill form, better, you name it - everyone with any weight issues will be on this stuff.

GLP-1s will be as heavily prescribed and as ubiquitous as Metformin is today. I think obesity will be an easily treatable condition and most people will be able to tackle their weight.

Not a cure, just a treatment. And of course they don't and won't work for everyone but the obesity epidemic will stop being a war we can't fight.

Older Than Dirt

1970 gang 🀘

It really was the best year to be born an Xer from a cultural standpoint.

Older Than Dirt

My sister is finally sober after a 30+ year addiction.

It was bad. I had to take custody of and raise her kids. We endured years, off and on, where we simply didn't see her or hear from her. Had no idea where she was, if she had food or shelter, if she was even alive.

If you are caught in addiction please get help. You are probably hurting someone who loves you desperately.