Kramer going “It’s like Sweden, Jerry. Sweeee-den!”

His point is that Tebow had earned the shot at the NFL, he had passed the college test. Bronny hadn’t.

Yeah we'll see. The man lies like he breathes. Let's see if he's still standing in the way of these psychos if he's elected.

No doubt. The last place in the world he should be is on a golf course.

The amount of "can you believe this shit?" or "I can't be the only one who sees the problem here, can I?" looks he gave the camera settle it for me. He's the answer.

Do things like pool tables and TVs help happiness?

Any chance this is a Dan Maples designed course? We have one in Maine and it's the same thing, trees right smack dab in the middle of the fairway. Apparently that's his signature or trademark.

I hate it. It's gimmicky as hell, and it punishes good shots.

That's the one song I cannot stand. Everything else I can at least hear until the end, even if I dislike the song. But if Butcher Pete comes on, I start listening to Radio Freedom.

Saying his name over and over again is not going to help me.

His batting average on getting players to come here makes Chris Davis look like Tony Gwynn, but at least he’s enthusiastic.

Prettiest and most artful? Griffey.

Most effective and efficient? Bonds. So compact, yet so powerful.

I'd take Ohtani off the Dodgers' hands if they wanted him. And if the Braves offered Acuna, I'd listen.

(In other words, right. Bonkers trades)

Just curious: Did you watch BoJack Horseman? And if so, did you pull for BoJack by series' end? There are some parallels between the two characters.

I'm an O's fan so I'm happy to talk about him being on that path, but he's not there just yet. Top five? I won't argue.

This is the one year it's up for debate. When Ohtani pitches, he's the clear #1. You have to move goal posts around to just entertain the thought of someone else who doesn't pitch like a Cy Young and hit like an MVP being the pick.