Trump doesn’t take advice, but he is cartoonishly impressionable.

What’s funny is this was the same rhetoric I heard in 2020.

Also, Jim Clyburn’s endorsement was a HUGE part of Biden’s success in SC, which then snowballed into everything you said. Just some more context.

The debate + Hunter Biden in the WH + a week of no interviews + taped interview + THIS?

He has to be throwing it.

I’m not going to vote for the other guy but seriously can we have any other Democrat?

Well if he was, Trump has probably made an official presidential act by now.

Yikes. Not sure if I agree that it’s Jill, but she’s definitely keeping him on a tight leash.

The Weekend paid for his during the Covid year

I think I would vote for any Democratic Governor over Biden. And Kamala, too

Yep. 80 years ago nutjob’s view was the norm

Walmart is based in Arkansas. Not hard to imagine some $$ gets exchanged to put down their competitors. Not that Temu is good.

It’s the political “Millenials are killing the X industry “

I binged watched all his videos during the pandemic and man did they age like wine.

That dream sequence brought up some brutal memories. I had a breakup in 2016 that I couldn’t shake for years, and I used to have dreams not far off from that one.

It was both of our faults, btw. I’m good now.