Oh nice. Even closer to me.

I came here to say this. Get the malgudi rava masala dosa if you like spicy. It’s fucking amazing.

There is no question that this is the best Greek on the island.

Hooker with a penis

Emilio’s is Commack is pretty awesome.

“Moon river”…did you ever serve time?

I think Chuck Palahniuk has the same opinion.

Mother Teresa. She’s viewed as a saint but she is a religious zealot that thought you could reach heaven through suffering. So she never healed any of the people she took care of. She just let them die slow painful deaths because that was the way to god. She also got so many donations from so many shady people. She raised Enough to build many hospitals but no one really knows where that money went. It sure as shit don’t go to people sleeping on cots in her “clinic”.

My favorite is “the beast must die”. It’s a 70s thriller. Great movie!!! Sorely underrated.

1) An orgasm and 2) the cool side of the pillow.

Yeah. They remove the foreskin with their mouth and suck some blood out too. Crazy!!!

Oh, yes. I believe you’re right. Thanks. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it.

The rabbi sucking the blood from the circumcised penis the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard. There’s even some case about a rabbi giving a new born baby herpes because of this practice. I mean What the ever living fuck?