Don't forget the roomba that maps out the floorplan of your house and will eventually suggest a better way to arrange your furniture and that you are a pig for eating popcorn in the livingroom

However did people live without these gadgets before! It's the ultimate in consumerism. Not personal. My beef is with greedy corporations and their insidious infiltration and attempts to control and profit off our private personal lives by convincing us we can't possibly function without whatever it is they're pushing

Thank you. I'm immensely proud of those years of my life, and I love my parents for lifting me up instead of knocking me down or restricting me

Wow. I had already been mowing our yard since I was tall enough, and weed wacking as well as soon as I could lift the gas trimmer

I got better at it by making it a business. I learned customer service, commitment, the value of hard work, money management including saving and banking, the responsibility of paying taxes, and the pride of a job well done. I also entered loan agreements with my parents (intrest free) to buy more equipment, a trailer, and branched out to snowblowing in winter as well

I had loyal customers, and a sense of pride and accomplishment. I earned the respect of my teachers and friends. I am very thankful that my parents supported, advised, assisted, and trusted me and never crushed my entrepreneurial spirit

If everyone thinks overprotection, helicopter parenting, and putting their boot on the necks of motivated, creative young people, the world is doomed

Maybe she wanted to come to work with her mom. She gets to practice her English, money counting, manners, etc

I'm sure glad no one arrested me when I started knocking on neighbors' doors at 13 and started a lawn mowing service just because I was bored

When their comnercials had the slogan "super size me" it was a warning, but no one paid attention

Yes but they're looking at the expansive red land. Maybe I'm wrong, but virtually no one lives in the Grand Canyon, state or national parks.

If you acknowledge the places where nobody lives it makes the red look a bit more balanced with the blue. They just color in everything that isn't blue whether there's actual people there or not and then whine about how oppressed they are.

Maybe they would understand "land doesn't vote" better if we eliminate large uninhabited spaces from the visual. I wouldn't put it past them to eventually color in the Great Lakes so they can cry harder

Edit: paragraphs

Educated Eastern or North Eastern US maybe. I believe he also spoke Dutch, French, German, and Italian

The contractors aren't happy making a shit-ton of money, they've gotta make a fuck-ton

Why do thousands of miles of desert, prairies, state and national parks and the grand canyon count as red? Pretty close to zero people live there so it should be a different color indicating uninhabited. This map makes things look way more skewed than they are so repuglicans can cry victim more

You can really tell how much they love America by how they describe it

A third world shit hole

A nation in decline

A nation that is lost

A corrupt government

A broken justice system

A rigged election system

That's true love and patriotism if I've ever seen it /s

There was some gays for trump guy outside the courthouse screaming obscenities and threatening to tear up the courthouse. I made popcorn and everything, but nothing happened

It was my parents' place. Farm and animals gone now. Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope he gets over whatever his problem is

Wow! Cats csn be difficult for sure. If your cats are indoor/outdoor and it's the male peeing everywhere even if neutered, he may prefer being mostly outdoors unfortunately

We had 6 cats, 2 males, 4 females, all fixed. One female liked to go out during the day but came in at night. 3 females and 1 male were terrified of outside. The other male didn't like that I hunted him down every night to come in. He started peeing on my couch and it only stopped after I tried a bunch of different things like tinfoil, a squirt gun, etc until I gave up. He would only come in because of bad rain storms, bitter cold or too much snow. We lived on a farm so he never left the property. We also had chickens, Guinea hens and a dog. He got along with everybody but maybe with 5 other cats a dog and 3 people in the house at night it was too hectic for him

I'm only half joking to suggest keeping large cucumbers on your counters to scare the crap out of him. Most don't like walking on tinfoil either, ruins their stealth

You didn't specify cat or dog. Dogs should be taken/let out every 2 hours when you're home, and especially after eating their meals. If they do this when you're out, crate train them. Not as a punishment, ever. Make it roomy, comfortable, and with food, water and a toy or two. They won't have accidents where they eat and sleep if it's just a behavioral problem

If it's cats, you need a litter box for each + 1. Maybe the box/s aren't getting cleaned enough or they don't like the litter, style of the litter box or where it's located. Cats are awful about drinking water usually too. You may have to give them some wet food every day or a shallow dish so their whiskers don't bend. Some cats only like running tap water. People food is also really bad for cats even moreso than dogs. Don't feed them canned tuna, things with sugar like bread, pasta, pizza sauce, or any (especiallycow) dairy products of any kind

If you already do a lot of this or these things don't help, see another vet for a 2nd opinion

I hope you get another opportunity! You'll be fine after some time. Best wishes

So far everyone has given great advice. I'd like to add that if it's a chick or small pullet/cockrel, a cat carrier with a towel in the bottom will do overnight for bedtime only. Otherwise, if they're bigger a dog crate with the removable tray is a good pen. Towel in the bottom over slippery tray and cover pen with more towels so it's dark overnight

If your feathered friend needs longer confinement for injuries or whatever, during the day you can put food in a small dish/bowl and they are easily trained to use a bottle waterer like you would attach to a Guinea pig cage

This dog cage setup worked great when I had a hen that was attacked by a fox. Just make sure the cage is big enough for them to completely stand up and turn around in

You'll do fine in the future. You're a good chicken dad. And maybe you didn't kill him. It could have been whatever was wrong in the first place


I joined entirely to get Ukraine war videos and then started looking at everything else

Absolutely nothing and how dare anyone think they can aspire to that

Absolutely, and it had to be equally thrilling for the pilots to be the first Ukrainians to fly f-16s in Europe, and escort their President's plane. Awsome all the way around

I don't get this limitation at all. It's fair to say f'16s can't cross the border, but the missles on these planes have range limits which is already limiting, and the west can pick and choose those limits. Let them strike into ruzzia with those limits as long as the planes don't cross the border. Russia has no such limits, and will continue to strike anywhere with impunity.

Western politicians have no stomach for this. They're a bunch of cowards. They won't be happy until the war comes to them. Europe is not ready, US is questionable. Did it also never occur to anyone that if the west fails Ukraine their guns may point at Europe along with Russia's? What would they have to lose at that point after losing blood and treasure by false western promises? Ukraine doesn't deserve this mindfuck from the west. If that happens, we're the bad guys, and will get what we deserve

I understand, but people don't generally get banned for discourse. That's what this platform is for

You might want to argue that this poster creates discord. That is what ruins a sub- the bad faith, arguments and ill will

Certainly we don't want our subs overrun with trolls. They are unpleasant and do create discord

Most social media platforms especially this one are designed to create discourse . We don't ever want to ban that

It just confirms the fact that he's a ckicken. Who would be afraid of rubber chickens? Like everyone knows you can't throw stuff at a SS guarded presidential candidate. He just couldn't handle the mockery or the challenge. Total toddler