I had the cards, I never knew that this movie existed. Now I want to see it. haha

*sees fencepost*
Me: Nice post!

I often find that while I like a certain flavor, i don't always lime that flavor note in my coffee. Example, I love blueberries, but any blueberry I haven't found one that I like.

When a bag says peach, I dont always get a strong peach flavor, but if it says peach on the bag, most of the time i like it. I don't dislike peaches, but I'd rather eat blueberries if i had the choice.

Ferments seem to be more accurate as far as getting the notes listed on the bag. Sometimes those flavors are too overpowering for my taste.

Edit: one thing I'll add is temperature. Different flavors come out at different temps. If you aren't getting a certain niote, let it cool slightly and taste again.

The deep fryer may be a maximum of 20 feet from the 10 commandments.

I kind of feel like he only needs to do one or two and the rest will fall in line. :D
"You see what happens? I'll do it again" - Dark Brandon

It worked for me at the time. There are download options on the side. This would let you download the whole thing and not worry about buffering issues.

Probably depends on if it is .04 or .004. 4cents is 4cents, but four tenths of a cent rounds down.

Same, going on vacation next week, didn't want to open a new bag. Used the frankenbrew today. It was pretty good.

No, but you might want to grind a bit finer than normal or use a slower filter.

*Brian Jack gets arrested*
trump: Barely knew the guy, might have met him once, i think he grabbed coffee one time.

Mama if you please.

I'd guess that it is a marketing tactic. Jalapenos for throwing on top Nachos.

Not sure if you are in the states, but I just saw that they put up a new sign in my town on my way to work. It says you can dial 988 and get some help with the mental health side of things.

I don't really know what you are going through, but I hope things get better for you.

DURR DURR THAT'S SOCIALISM!! - some maga shithead

Otto Dwight Mann, the bus driver

Read your first sentence. The rest of it would have been political suicide too.

Did I miss where either of them ran in the primary this is already over?

It amazes me how many people do not understand this. Sure, we'd like someone younger, but the guy who is currently doing the job is doing a great job. There is no assurance that a younger person would do as well as the guy that beat trump in the last election.

People don't mention how distracting trump's stench is. I'd probably flub my lines too.