It’s always the ones who go to church and tell YOU to fear God yet they don’t themselves. My goodness… this is why I don’t bother with religion.

lol you have a good day. If you’re not OP don’t respond. Thanks

Omg. lol you think I don’t know that? My whole point is why ask for money? They work at the same place. While OPs co worker may earn less, this person clearly has the responsibility of getting themselves to and from work. It’s not OPs Responsibility to pay for their car repairs. Just saying.

If her car keeps breaking down how does she manage to get to work everyday?

Yes. Make sure everything is recorded. If it’s not recorded it didn’t happen.

The emotional damage this will do to her is next level… she really needs all the help she will need later on. I don’t think she has thought this through. Growing a kid is one thing, pushing it out and handing it over is another….

No one was assuming anything, you came on here seeking advice. I gave mine. Either way good luck to you.

Yes, all of that. Suffered with anemia since I was 11. I have had two blood transfusions due to the amount of blood loss I’ve had recently. Next is surgery.

Thank you. It was my best picture for sure

This is a weird one. Why would she create a go bag? What was she hoping would happen? Was she tainted because she heard someone did the same thing as a just in case? Either way, OP only you can make the choice that is right for you. No one can do that for you. As for your wife. She made her choice and choices come with consequences and reality.