As someone who got laser eye surgery, it doesn't really hurt... But i can vividly remember the smell of burning eyelids

One is a political leader with what is essentially a marketing team telling him what to say to score political points or create advantageous circumstances, the other are a group of people protesting what they see as injustices in the world, they dont intersect they run parallel with one side purposefully edging closer

A lot of people particularly when poor do not have the time or energy to cook, and different places have different circumstances, some places to reach a market or vendor that sells those things takes more than an hour to reach, suddenly those 2 dollars become 22 (should preface spitballing i dont know what gas prices are where you live), whether for gas or public transportation and a minimum of 2 hours to and fro (look up food deserts), meanwhile takeaway from either delivery or fast food restaurant while more expensive in the long term is cheaper and more convenient in the short term or at least "within when i get my paycheck time". There is also circumstance of care where whether for kids or relatives there are times you cant exactly leave them alone. It things like these that yes can lead to "too poor" people from making these decisions and you're just being an elitist jerk acting smug that you have it easier from others, even the stupidest choices have some sort of reasoning behind them if you bother to look, and you cant expect humans to be perfect rational actors all the time especially when the deck is extremely stacked against them via circumstances outside their control and manipulation by those in power

That means that weapon is old, like really old, after a rework update guns with 2 elements dont exist normally, aside from legacy guns and hacks

Only times ive experienced this is when literally 98% of the lobby was in T3, and that's pretty logical, the game dedicates more zombies and their pathing to wherever there are more players, me alone at the edge of the map is obviously not worth it when theres like 20-30 people in T3

Not me, faith has been broken "to lose faith takes one mistake, to regain it takes a thousand attempts" i gave them more than one

From what the Blundel said it's supposed to be that as a player your faction affected story and had their own theme going, potentially altering EE ending that provided more context/story. Nothing came out of it and basically all that exists were pre release interviews, 1 trailer, and if you look back through data mining history the dark ops challenge that were in the game but replaced

You just take baths with people you give it to its not that weird


Not necessarily, with the second idea i meant more to imply we'd need to bioengineer ourselves to have erections in space

That's the thing, when gravity is lacking blood doesn't primarily stay in the lower part of the body, it gets spread out pretty evenly, so there is less of that trapped blood, to get an erection you need to either force more of you blood down there or get a better heart that pumps more and faster and force it

Not free though, you pay a subscription

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they pull the same thing as SH2 and in that case this would be the second it would happen to me

You cant really as the way micro gravity affects blood doesn't allow men to get an erection without some sort of specialized suit

I love how stupid that sounds when i learnt geography here in Mexico XD

They literally do, across iterations too

L337 speak? Doesn't that mean they're old? Cus kids/preteens i/my friends know dont use leet speak

What about in P5 in the intro? Or are you counting that as lavenza/twins

Personally i think not, would've been announced in all the gameplay changes, and it feels to me like level up dialogue prince Nezha would have in SMT (also ironic cus one of his things in myth is that he's eternally a kid)

Not much, scientist on board hated drinking coffee through a straw, in his free time mathed it up with the crew and 3d printed it up there

It does cause nausea according to what I've read, but it's possible to grow accustomed