You forget the most important fact. In 2s the enemy team has 2 randoms. Meanwhile your team only has 1 random. This should make the difference

Steering Wheel :Steering_Wheel:

I don’t drive for times, only for experience so when on controller I drive manual with clutch just for the feel. I use manual no clutch for modern sports cars for the paddle feeling

This is probably the friendliest, most positive thing I have yet read on all of Reddit.

„Alles was nicht Bayern ist wird ja viel gekifft, besonders bei ihnen in Hamburg, machen Sie mal nen Drogentest“ Hatten nen Kumpel in München besucht und vom Oktoberfest abgeholt. Jeder andere in der Kontrolle da durfte nen Alkoholtest machen außer mir.

Tbh. I mainly focused on trying to bring it to the left side of the goal to get over the first defender. After that I saw the backboard defender for the first time and tried to get into a block position. I still struggle a lot so 90% of my brain capacity is controlling the ball towards net.

I am D2 rn. I only once hit C1 last season for 1-2 games then deranked again. About 440 hours.

20 Jahre alten 3er BMW zum Driften. Unsinnige Idee gewesen, aber heute hab ich einen total verlässlichen Alltagswagen der mich sehr komfortabel von A nach B bringt, bei Besorgungen, Transporten und Urlauben unterstützt.

It’s Paradox but the only advice I can give is: try to improve. You will not rank up just by trying harder and focusing more. You will only rank up by trying to learn what the game is about and practicing the fundamental stuff.

Ground dribble Ground shots Wall shots DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE Most People in Dia only have decent shots. If you learn how to defend you can turn even 3-5 lose into a 3-2 win.

Had that as well. Felt like I whiffed every 2nd ball and missed every 3rd touch. Deranked big time. Thought it was a day thing. Tried again a couple days later, still the same. It was about 1-2 weeks after that It got better again.

I just simply still kept playing since I still enjoyed it

Yes, but those keys are not bought at that time. Resellers buy 10.000 keys whenever the game is on sale. So FP already have their money.

Also the logic doesn’t hold up within itself. „They let people cheat so when they get banned they buy new accounts“ If that was the case wouldn’t FP be trying to ban even more people so more people have to buy new accounts instead of letting them play?

Ich fühle mich unterhalten. Die Spiele mögen weitergehen

Im a firm believer, that this doesn’t matter. Cheaters buy used accounts or cheap game keys. Those keys are already sold by facepunch so in their book it doesn’t matter. You would only be hitting the re-sellers

I doodled it for privacy reasons yes. I was amazed how much that prefixed Color matched.

Meine Teammates inten auch 90% der Kits aber weil sie noobs sind. Und diese Themen gibt halt bei uns nicht. Wir verabreden uns mehrere Wochen im Voraus. Es ist klar wer an welchen Tagen wann Zeit hat. Dann synchronisieren wir unsere Pausen fürs Essen usw. Dass man nicht zu dritt spielt und dann immer eigentlich als Duo aktiv ist weil einer grade weg ist sich essen machen oder whatever

Man findet solch eine Gruppe nicht. Man säht sie, pflanzt sie, pflegt und züchtet sie. Bis sie eines Tages bereit zur Ernte odt

Ich und meine Homies 1-3k Stunden in Rust machen es mittlerweile so, dass wir alle 2-3 Monate uns Freitag freinehmen und dann Donnerstag bis Samstag hart reinschwitzen und dann wieder 2-3 Monate nicht spielen. Dadurch ist es immer etwas besonderes und fühlt sich fast wie ein kleiner Urlaub mit den Freunden an.

I play on Switch sometimes. I am ranked in low Plat/Gold on Pc I’m champ.

What helped me a lot in the beginning is the standard trainings try to beat them in one go without resetting. Once you whiff a ball start the whole training again. This way it’s more of a learning to hit the ball well then a learning the balls that are coming till you get it right.

Steering Wheel :Steering_Wheel:

I did all that when I played FH4 and it was okay. But I’m a RWD Drift fanboy and the suspension, tire and RWD feel in FH5 ist just so much superior to FH4

Well slap my ass and call me sally. I didn’t not do not see dat right ther. Gobless yor sole ya helpd me out big time

Maybe I did not explain this enough. When you are in a corner and are too fast, you just tilt your bike up go straight brake more and then tilt your bike back down and continue cornering. Also this is not „how to be a pro rider“ it’s just tips for beginners on how to avoid crashes.

Steering Wheel :Steering_Wheel:

Drifting or the power slide was a technique used to corner faster in the 80s because tires were very bad nowadays grip driving is always faster. Arcade games like NFS just use it because it looks and feels cool but it’s not actually fastwe

Steering Wheel :Steering_Wheel:

Yes I do. I just feel certain things are even better in FH5.