FDR is often described as one of America’s best presidents. Some polls have placed him at number 1! He’s seen for guiding us the WWII and the Great Depression. I think we should see him as a borderline fascist president that America should be actively condemning.

Exhibit A and really the best evidence: Japanese Internment Camps. America’s own concentration camps, and we do a very good job as a country of forgetting about it.

B: He tried to pack the Supreme Court to get his policies passed. It is believed (though the truth is hard to confirm), that the Supreme Court changed its stances on the New Deal to avoid getting packed. If that is the case, he effectively intimidated the court.

C: forced nationalizing of gold.

D. Censorship of anti war media.

E. The National Recovery Act (of which he put massive pressure on SCOTUS to allow) was designed to put massive additional power into the executive branch.

F. Breaking precedent by serving four terms. Not a terrible red flag in itself since it was legal, but in combination with other things, it is supportive to the claim.

G. War crimes. Namely firebombing Tokyo and killing 300k civilians.

H. Drafting soldiers. In 1940, he did the first peacetime draft and created the selective service act.

There are also arguments that he prolonged the depression, and while I agree with that, I also recognize that it is far more political. I’m less concerned with his policies than with what he did with his presidential power.

I’m not saying that he was a fascist dictator. I am saying that history should look back on him with shame rather than the admiration he tends to get. He got a lot of people killed, imprisoned people based on race, consolidated a lot of power under himself, and strategically misled the Americans through censorship and propaganda campaigns. If a modern president did half of this stuff, he’d be labeled a fascist.