Finally someone that I can relate to beast Gohan defenders will make me sound like crazy when I say that it's stupid that he got catapulted to god power that easily

Idrk what that is ain't that a revolution?

Fair enough but still though they probably have their uses that the game just refuses to display

I completely forgot that flemeth most likely 100% knows blood magic

I hate the fact that games don't have a phobia setting where you can replace spiders and other stuff with something you aren't afraid of

Oh yeah didn't we meet like 3 blood mages in origins not including the friend in the mage storyline?

To be fair templars are probably essential in keeping civilian casualties to a minimum when it comes to the stronger mages so they are useful they're just managed by assholes and most are assholes

Nothing really wrong with the system of templars themselves in my opinion it's just the people that have control y'all really can't give mages some freedom like allowing them outside with a templar escort to see the world? Then there's the whole thing about tranquils and apparently the chantry makes a lot of money off mages the system would be better if the people in power weren't such a holes

Yeah some templars are pretty chill like the background dude's and allister (Top 10 character btw) but there are a lot of bad ones

Yeah the issue with giving mages full freedom is that the templars would be spread insanely thin trying to make sure nothing bad happens and with subduing hostile mages on the other hand though they should at least give mages some freedom they don't deserve to be locked up just because of their potential to be dangerous

Honestly I don't blame templars mages can be extremely dangerous so if they don't heavily regulate them some of the unmonitored ones could grow evil and become a major threat especially if they manage to learn blood magic despite all that though they should at least give mages some freedom it's just not right to lock them all away just because of their potential

Yeah the first time meeting him I really liked him and wished he could've joined but on future playthroughs I just wished he could've joined so I could've had an early rogue for some chests I still liked him tho

Fair enough would still be a decent idea to look into it just incase they start a destructive habit

What happens when you get an unlucky trader streak tho with no luciferium cause I personally have never seen a trader selling the stuff

I did on my first playthrough cause I was getting poorer and poorer buying followers from the spider cause i felt bad that if I didn't they would become dinner

If they're poofing these coins out of thin air and you're not really big on sacrifices I see no issue plus they have everything in your cult they just gotta occasionally work in the mines, lumberyard, pray and occasionally bless items

Wait so you're basically just ripping out a finger nail along with the top of their finger?

I heard if you make certain sounds at them they'll understand that it upsets you and stop doing it

Do they not have some scratching posts?

Yeah but that's just it you overlook one colonist's dependency from micromanaging other things and it's curtains and an insane mood debuff from their spouse

I've only seen this once so you're referring to a minority I assume people just think that it's like frisk from Undertale where the gender can be whatever you want

At least if you invest in a Ponzi scheme you have a chance of getting your money back