Supposedly they were finishing the scripts the night before table reads.

They had no plan either. They fired Sheen, Ashton needed steady work. The only thing they had was: “Rich Silicon Valley man gets screwed over from a bad divorce.” It was just so bad the character came across as: “how did he even know how to tie his shoes.” Then they poured insult to injury by making Mimi Leader is mom and she was so badly written you wanted to go: “Waldon would have ran away from home.”

What I said if Russia money dries up what will people like Le Penn, Trump of the Federalist Society do?

I had to teach Business Law on the court systems and my APUSH and American History coworkers were in a tail spin most of the year. I’m at a new school in the fall and won’t be in that area anymore but many SS teachers are like: “WTF?”

Not helping when Le Penn gets them riled up with immigration and borders. But then is: “Russia is friend and Putin better leader than me.” When the right goes: “WTF?”

Media: “but last Thursday’s disaster debate… look at Joe. Not all the stuff Trump did.”

I have said if there was an announcement from Russia that Putin was “officially dead” and they were in full pull back. What would happen to all these stooges? Would they just roll with: “well Russia was weak.” Or they just blink and move on OR would they be in full panic mode. Trump and Oberon both were: “be careful what you wish for” when the Wagner Coup originally happened. But more of: “you think things are bad with Putin here wait until no one gives a damn in Russia and goes full scorch earth.”

She is screwing herself. She got to where she is now with: “immigration and fair retirement”. Now is full: “end Ukraine Aid no matter what.”

Basically suicide is painless attitude. Russia moral is so low they are seeing to future.

Yeah he as a doctor is: “vaccines kill more than save.” Yet that 9/11 was carried out by terrorists backed by Saudi Arabia vs that Bush had it happen on purpose. Kennedy seems to be: “I just… let’s not take sides.” Even that’s one conspiracy he really doesn’t believe in.

But it was official act before the he was president because the last check was when he was in the Oval Office. /s

Two middle schools in deciding on a job acceptance. All students must have them in a bag. If they are caught in class or locker rooms with them. They are in a bag and a parent MUST sign them for pick up. If not they are sent in the mail on Friday.

Jeri Ryan from Star Trek was a contestant in the early 90s. She is very vocal since 2016 on him becoming president and not again. Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump looked on her and the other contestants that year.

There is one place outside of Kirkland. They have 5 flags and their entire garage is “Trump Forever”

I lost out on a promotion in a previous district because giving it to me would mean too big of a bump in pay. So they hired someone out of district who was fired less than 6 months later. I left the district they hired another person outside the district. They were not renewed at the end of the school year. They finally promoted the person and best me who I mentored. They have done great but even they said: “should have been so and so but you were too scared of paying them more.”

Truth be told it was custodial that made this rule possible. Lead to basically their unions going: “you allow kids to make these messes or do it yourself. Then you do it.” The rest is history.

He also had someone else write his Project 2025 reaction. He seems to have been off more the last two days after the immunity ruling and then the Epstein files being released.

It’s Julia Carpenter the current Madam Web.

Barrett was raised to be the “good little catholic”. But also “have a career”. And well here she is.