If the course was actually rented out, then I would consider contacting the TD and having them deal with the problem.

I know that in my area, it's cost prohibitive to close some parks. It's only a couple hundred to permit to run an event but to close the course, they require you to pay to close the whole park (including access to boat ramps and such) which costs thousands.

So when we don't have the course closed my go to speech is: "this is a public park so I'm not telling you that you can't play, but you should know there are 5 people on every hole so it's gonna be a long round. [Course] is only [minutes] away and should be clear if you want a quicker round"

Bob Ross voice just a happy accident

This. He tends to over explain (mostly by design) so much that sometimes I'll put his video on in the background, not pay attention for like 2 minutes and see he's still on the first ante boss.

I don't see an issue here. As long as they don't think they can close public courses there is no problem with tracking group rounds with UDisc and keeping it a closed group.

If he wasn't in the booth, chances are he'd be out following the card taking notes. I've seen him doing it at tournaments like the tour championship. No spoilers in live sports, even for the commentators. If people want live reactions, DGN is there for that.

Add a sprinkle of pareidolia and baby you got a stew going.

Nobody will care at a B Tier. And if they do, they're the odd one out.

Someone at a recent A tier in one of the age protected divisions (MP50, I think) told the TD not to let another competitor tee off because he was wearing a cotton shirt. The TD just laughed at him. Maybe not to his face, but definitely behind his back.

You're not far off. I drive through it daily. It's the type of town that has a police department of 2 and their patrol cars are pickup trucks.

Nah, I have everything unlocked and now it's just an ace of spades

I do that unless I have a bull. Then i use the tags for the moneyyy.

My worst oh no moment like this was getting this boss on the luxury tax challenge. In a brain dead series of events I used a bunch of magicians. A few lucky cards paid out on this boss in ante 7. Suddenly I only had one card.

Calloway only on camera. I've seen him looking more like he belongs in an emo band at times.

I always thought it was strange that Kiera Knightley played Natalie Portman's double in Star Wars. Then I saw these pictures side by side and I got it.

With a background in ultimate I definitely get that. Wham-O sucks. It is a little funny to me that the pro league just rebranded to Ultimate Frisbee Association, licensing the name while still not using their product.

I saw a comment on a thread in a golf subreddit on a post talking about disc golf that referred to golf as "ball golf." Man were the ball golfers upset about that.

I thought so too, but I guess they can play. Good thing is they are skipped over as you suggested.


From the Player Eligibility section of that link: "Competitors who have already qualified for a 2025 Tour Card may participate in Q-Series events but will be skipped over for the purposes of awarding any associated Q-Series benefits (silver cards, tour cards, exemptions, and points)."

If the neck didn't give it away, the sheep with three hind legs should.

There are a couple dense wooded courses I play where there is really no room to stand to the right or behind the pad. I guess I just got used to it.

Funny aside, I had a guy on my card one time look STRAIGHT BACK during his reach back. We made eye contact and he shanked his drive. Super awkward moment.

Just wait til he sees the Fragile challenge.

She didn't come straight out with it, she took her meter on an angle trying to get a better window for her next throw

This shot went OB as well is what I mean. She had two consecutive OB throws. Really rough hole for her.

A couple years ago I was volunteering on a card where one player did the passive aggressive call by not calling it on a throw like this. "Isn't it a foot fault if ..?" The other two players weren't paying attention and things went on. My opinion doesn't matter and wasn't shared but from my POV the foot came up in time in that instance.

A few holes later the player who had called it blatantly steps on their disc, the other three look at each other and shake their heads as if to say "not worth the headache"

Fwiw, I thought her foot didn't come up in time watching it live but didn't watch back a replay to confirm. Also I didn't think much of it because my understanding (could be wrong) of 801.02.H is that you can't be penalized for two things on the same throw. This throw landed out of bounds so if I'm correct the foot fault wouldn't have mattered score wise.