They will, but that's because drone shows are in a category all of their own.  

Fireworks are and always will be their own thing, same as drone shows.

Comparing the two is like comparing the NFL against FIFA; both kick ass in their own rights and sometimes play on the same or very similar fields, but they are absolutely NOT the same thing, not by a long shot

Idk, I sometimes puff up just like the top pockets of my cheeks near my cheekbones just the slightest bit when I'm playing songs that require quick switches between low and high notes (think Somewhere Over the Rainbow), with little room for breaths in between. It provides that little tiny extra bit of breath I need to make the switch to the higher notes without compromising the rhythm by needing to take a breath.

However it sometimes makes a weird thing happen where my cheek muscles sorta freeze or tighten involuntarily when hitting the high notes, but if I take a split second to remove the mouthpiece from my mouth and let my embouchure sorta "reset", it circumvents this and I can resume playing once I feel the tension go away.

Not recommending it, but anecdotally, doesn't seem to hurt much of anything (expect my own cheek muscles if I overdo it for too long lol)

I had a yellow GigaPets cat one and a green Dinosaur one, plus a 101 Dalmatians one back in 4th grade, and, later on in high school, bought my friend's golden Tamagotchi one which barely worked


Another Simpsons prediction...these are getting scary accurate now

We'd all like to get a handjob, Joe, but not now!

Bubs, you gotta get your kitties under control, they're stealing cocks of pepperoni!

That critter isn't in my Pokedex...Professor Oak really dropped the ball on this one 

That I wouldn't always have a calculator in my pocket, so I had better learn, memorize, and understand algebra thoroughly

This is hands down, one of my all time favorite lines from TPB, and I have no idea why

Definitely a good choice, and yes, I agree that beer is awesome in just about every way imaginable 😅

Asahi seems closer than Sapporo to what I'd imagine Alamo would taste like, re a lighter lager. 

Sapporo is a bit heavier (just like those big heavy tumbler cans Sapporo comes in), but still a very tasty, albeit expensive quaff.

Awesome pic, just wanted to use the opportunity to talk Japanese beer for a sec 

Guy in the white Nissan probably has some REALLY good bread, and the ducks picked up on this on his way home from the grocery store

If only he had burped and farted as well...he dodged a bullet there, intestines falling out of a surgical incision is second banana to straight up exploding like the guy in the pic


I have a confirmed IQ of 147, and I live my life as a regular person. 

However, I've discovered my thought processes are a bit different than an average person, meaning I can figure out solutions to problems faster than most, but that's about it.

You're welcome; just be careful not to burp and sneeze whilst crying, don't want to have the same fate as whoever that was in the photo