we just wanted him to dunk the ball in front of us... none of the us kids even knew what was going on or cared about his rant

This makes the story so much funnier lmao

George deserved the win. An important part of racing is not running into the other cars.

You're using city borders to be pedantic. The Miami metro area has four professional sports teams. Tampa and Orlando are two different metro areas. Two different situations.

Wiseman tricked a lot of people. Myers was the one who drafted him but he wasn't the only one who got fooled.


Ricky Bobby ass driver

Big brain move by Brian Wright to sell Derrick White to the Celtics for pennies on the dollar but fleecing Atlanta out of multiple first rounders for Dejounte. He chose the right team to get assets from lol.

:sas-5: Spurs

That was the deal you guys made, though. You traded a player who loved Toronto but couldn't bring you a ring for a player who could get you a ring but would leave for LA as soon as possible. You traded loyalty for a championship and you got exactly what you paid for.

Yeah but how much experience do they have blowing 3-0 leads?

Yeah, seven years ago was 2017. The only teams to make the playoffs in 2017 and 2024 were the Thunder and Clippers, and they did so with entirely different teams. Things can change fast.