So it wasn't zero percent chance??? And it happened??? 🤯🤯🤯

Yeah i used to play (and destroy) this guy at the local who used it all the time. Idk if he ever made it on stream. Was weird.

Nah tony was right that shit was boring as hell. If you're going on stage so something bad ass.

Just down air instead. You're probably not reaching

It is for someone who wants to be better.

"... and playing neutral."

you're in luck...Kazuya doesn't need this!


That's why he's THE Puerto Rican rattlesnake. Dumbass.

Elite smash easy. Gsp is fun and I like grinding higher levels

I only watched the Marth vods but as far as critique wise, make sure you are consistently hitting techs because that will lose you stocks all day long. Also be more patient with your juggles. Sometimes when your opponent is above you you just start swinging wildly. Either bait an airdodge then punish or if you swing and miss, don't keep swinging and missing. Re position yourself to try and resume the advantage state.

All kinds of nasty weird things. Just go watch the first episodes it's full of shit like that.

You like missionary and your steak medium well.

How do you people not realize that he's a genuine creep. Watch old episodes of kill tony and you'll see my dude. There was nothing to "lean into" back then. It's just how he is.

I would focus less on how to be better against incin and more on improving your fundamentals. Forward smash in neutral way way less, use more tilts, and for the love of God stop trying to follow up down throw with an attack because you should notice it misses everytime and that's because it's too laggy. Take the damage and follow their landing.