I wouldn’t do it in public. But I work alone in an office and watch tiktoks because I simply don’t have headphones and haven’t been able to afford them. It’s a luxury just not in the budget rn. I don’t even have cell service if that tells you how poor I am. I’m alone 90% of the time unless someone comes in to sit at the desk and do some paperwork. I feel bad but I don’t put it on full volume, and they’re only in the office for a few minutes anyway.

If people come in during happy hour and order, and the waitress forgets to put the order in until conveniently AFTER happy hour, don’t charge full price.

Do people NOT like Eileen? She seemed totally nice and pretty normal to me.

Any roundabout. I used to live in Newport and those two are ridiculous. Amazing how many people not paying ANY attention just speeding right into it without even realizing they don’t have the right of way

Water bottles. She loves the crunch. But now her teeth are grown in to where she’s actually able to tear them up so we gotta find another crunchy toy for her.

Currently I have blackguard armor for the carrying capacity, but my boots helmet and gauntlets are Stalhrim. The blue and black combo looks pretty cool.

Mother! and Soft and Quiet. Both very intense movies. Give soft and quiet a good 30 minutes to warm up though, but when it gets going it never stops.

Incantation scared me like no horror movie has since I was a little kid and watched The Ring. Suddenly I was 6 again unable to come out from under the covers or walk around the house by myself

No, it’s getting ridiculous. Self checkouts even have tipping screens. I went to a restaurant the other day for pick up, and she turned around a tipping screen. I have never tipped at pickup, but was forced to because there was NO “no tip” option. I couldn’t even complete my transaction unless I entered at least a dollar. That shouldn’t be allowed at all.

It’s worse when they actually try to convince you that the pizza is theirs. Like why are you wasting my time for this played out joke dude

Having a dollar menu with no item under $2. Not allowing people to use multiple rewards points in one order. Not allowing people to use a reward item with a deal in the same order. All of this coming about during covid when people were struggling enough. On top of that, they get rid of all their most popular menu items because they don’t want to hire anybody to work there.

It’s far, far too late.

Trisha’s career and life thrived post frenemies while I see more and more people realizing what clowns H3 have become

I have it and it completely ruins my life. I’m medicated now, but I don’t tell ANYONE I have it. Because of shit like this. I don’t need more people not taking my mental health seriously because clowns and narcissists love to pull the BPD card to excuse their shitty behavior

I fucking hate when people claim they have BPD as an excuse for their shitty behavior. BPD doesn’t make you catfish people in order to sexually assault them

Yes. Most of us drive over an hour just to get to work.

DoorDash currently will not let me sign up because there are too many dashers in the area. We have terrible to no public transportation. I’d do it for $400 a month but I wouldn’t rely on DD.

For years I’ve parked at this random office building. Not gonna say which one. But I’ve never had any issues. It’s free and super close.

Oh I have another one. SINISTER. It wasn’t scary whatsoever, and pretty boring. Everyone except me seems to love it.

Skinamarink. Any time I say anything negative about this boring 2 hour long shot of a wall I get downvoted by filmbros who are clearly much more cultured and artistic than little ole me. I GET it, but it should have been a short

I understand. They were in darkness for so long that their eyes adapted and went blind.

Well, based on how everyone around me responded, killed a chicken.

The lights and power had been off for a very very long time. I think they just went blind due to not needing to see anymore.