Then why does the self checkout recognize the lower weights? "Unknown item in baggage area" if you try to put the label on something else close in weight.

I'd wager dollars to donuts if you scaled out the exact weight in sand like Indiana Fricking Jones to match the label it still wouldn't accept the weight because they set the scale to the wrong weight and still overcharge because they are robbing us all blind.

Quit making excuses for them is what I'm saying. Good day.

The ungraded mexican beef at roblaws is any better?

The ol' Rollback is about the same size as a table jig. I'm sure Tye or Kev could use one, heh heh.

(take the entire table when they pick up the car)

40/60 S op 26yrs ago

Grats on your new height!

Next time you see them, "There's a mosquito on your face!" smack!


To be fair, that was the first time it was back in water after it was shipped halfway around the world. The crane operators loading it on and off the cargo ships must not have seen the Fragile stickers from all the way up there. :p

Epoxy is runny and can get into every little crevice so that's why it is used for marine fixes. Especially for salt water.

Then the problem with suping up weird engines(that are cool) is it takes forever to get high performance parts in any reasonable amount of time.

He'll have it in the water this year. (fingers crossed)

A Weedeater pull start pulley that would have cost $25.

This is PETG after a year of use btw:


Thanks, had to look it up: seDUCKtive is the channel name, haha.

10million views on their NYC Marathon vid, wow.

Love is a promise delivered already broken...

Like a gale off the south shore there was a raven coughing, "nevermore."

Please make stupidity embarrassing again. These people get away with way too much bullshit.

The media is owned by like six people and four of them are Rupert Murdoch.

Waiting on parts for his diesel long tail motor plus they found a couple of leaky cracks in the hull during testing. That takes time to sort out. Plus yea, he already has a full time job.

Don't over twirl when you're full of cheese!