I hope not. I hope they keep it lhow the actual rule is in real life.

If my buddy and I make powerhouses in two G5 conferences I really hope they don’t deny us both the chance of auto qualifying.

For a bit of clarity:

I don't think the 5 automatic spots directly break down to the 4 'power' conferences plus the best group of 5. I'm pretty sure it's just clarified as the Top 5 conference champions.

Now, in practice, that will almost always mean the 4 'power' conferences plus one group of 5. But if there was a scenario where (as an example) the Big 12 champ was ranked behind the champs of the SEC, ACC, Big 10, MAC and American champs. Then the Big 12 champ wouldn't get an auto bid.

It’s not worth your time. The average redditor has zero macro financial literacy and just parrots what they see others say.


Why do people post shit like this before matches are over?

Only if it’s a lot of sharp money. Public squares don’t influence betting lines much if at all.

That’s a bit of a common misconception. Houses definitely have rooting interests


It does. You got me hook, line and sinker haha

The comment he responded to was literally talking about gaslighting, dude.

I use this site. Helps with the bettings odds to implied probability.


Check that Dolphins / Chargers box score at 41 seconds.

Game went into OT even though the Dolphins "won" 28-27. lol

If you have work and other responsibilities, you’re not the type of person to beat the game in 24 hours

Are you saying Rahm chose LIV because of people like this? And not the $300 million? What?

That’s a good point - I didn’t really think of it from that perspective.

I used my own anecdotal experiences (incorrect to extrapolate from I know). Daycares around where I live are very expensive. Wealthier families, who can afford to send to daycare, are less likely to have an absent father. Thus, kids at daycare are more likely to have a father figure in the household. That was my thought process (right or wrong) at least.

Like 25%. Though I’d imagine that number is lower at a day care.

That’s according to the US Census Bureau in 2022