all things with a beginning also have an end.

ive had that happen, just killem! theyre not so bad

if something being ugly made it paranormal 90% of the world would be spook central

i see the wild wasteland perk kicked in again.

oh....oh GOD! grass and trees!! its every shut ins worst nightmare!

everybody does at some point. welll.... except the liars, theyre perfect with no problems and no faults

1 million will be fine. i dont want to live like a millionaire, i just want things to be good for my family after i am gone

i loved it, not as much running to the finish to avoid the bike exploding but yeah

just like ratatouille! anyone can cook! anyone can paint! buuuut also like ratatouille, anyone can cook(paint) but that doesnt mean everyone should. its not hard to paint, but to do so well can be difficult.

wait....those intellect devourers stand a chance? first im hearing about it!

bricken pox, super contagious to other masonry

shes opened up significantly! she came up to me the other night paw paw pawing at my leg, picked her up she belts out this huge purr! still a little scared but shes much better now

i like the railway rifle... i just like gauss rifle better

she looks almost identical to the one we rescued, straight down to the white blaze on her chest

blue. i like my life as it is, i just need more money

belden for its proximity to both toy kingdom and culvers

dunno but its a great idea for a new killer, glitch, can make you think your device is bugging out in some fashion or another.

no no no no no no no and also no! doing shitwith/for family in regards to housing never ever ends well! if you like your current lot in life, maintain that.

just my 2 cents of course, you decision ultimately 😁

observe and admire the hawk and not really care beyond that as i dont use snail mail